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  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Edge and Media Player aren't the one I hate, but yes, I've seen OneDrive come back in spite of Group Policies and removing the binaries...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding reacted to Mercutio's post in the thread Windows 11 with Like Like.
    Tiny 11 Builder has been updated to support all Windows 11 releases. It's basically a long Powershell script that pulls out a list of...
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Yeah, I don't know what's up with Intel based laptops these days, but on 11th gen and newer I've reliably had no mouse in setup, and...
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Tiny 11 Builder has been updated to support all Windows 11 releases. It's basically a long Powershell script that pulls out a list of...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread SSDs - State of the Product?.
    That one has a DRAM cache, so should be fine.
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread SSDs - State of the Product?.
    Probably going to end up with a 2TB TeamGroup MP34 or some such. I don't do anything terribly intensive or have archival needs...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread SSDs - State of the Product?.
    The 1TB Hynix Platinum P41 was $78 in January and now is $100. It's still one of the better drives with a higher TBW than most and a...
  • LunarMist
    Even the 860 EVOs were quite good. My 500GB 870 EVO crapped out after a low TBW. Nobody knows why, but I think they are made with...
  • LunarMist
    There is now Topaz Photo AI 3.0.
  • F
    fb replied to the thread Windows 11.
    It is similar in Sweden, we have Bank-ID, not developed by the state but the large banks and defacto standard, useful almost anywhere in...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Yup, there are a lot of things that work here that won't work elsewhere because the foundation isn't there. In this case the most...
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Windows 11.
    I'm a little disappointed in myself that my first impulse was to be horrified at how widespread that system is. I can see how it'd be...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Windows 11.
    One of the cool things about Denmark is that the state saw the value of having a reliable 2FA system that wasn't proprietary or...
  • Mercutio
    Mercutio replied to the thread Windows 11.
    It's a FUN example; it was a form of identity that worked perfectly anywhere someone might reasonably encounter a European ID card in...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Ryzen.
    Presumably AI will be fully integrated into Win 12 as a baseline hardware requirement.