nested quotes doesn't work


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
A reply to nested quotes doesn't work. At least I can't figure out how to make it work. The "multi-quote" button doesn't help.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
[*quote=Howell;97098]A reply to nested quotes doesn't work. At least I can't figure out how to make it work. The "multi-quote" button doesn't help.[/quote]

[*quote=ddrueding;97100]Confirmed, I get the same issue.[/quote]

The only thing the "+ (multi-quote) button does is copy each selected post and dump into the reply window as above. I've seen this at other sites using vBull. Not much of an improvement, saves you a little time, but nested quotes is such a common usage that you'd think they would, after years & years, implement it in the next revision/update....but nooooo.

You still have to do it the hard way, real PITA, as other forum software can do nested quotes. One of the major flaws of vBul IYAM. But look on the good side of this update, while not implementing the most useful feature imaginable like nested quotes, you get that little arrow button next to the quoted post author's name, which will link/popup another window, you back to the original post/thread the quoted post comes from so somone quoting a post from a 5 year old thread doesn't need to include a link to that thread. Nice huh, but WTF is the most useful feature of all, nested quotes, damn it!

Hard way is to open a window for each post you want to quote (then again if someone is only quoting a small portion of a long post like one of mine ;) , you're better off either opening a window and viewing the source code and then doing a search on the page to get post ID #...which is a royal PITA) copy & past into the reply window, suffle insert on post inside the other for the nesting...truly a PITA, I hate it.

[*quote=ddrueding;97100][*quote=Howell;97098]A reply to nested quotes doesn't work. At least I can't figure out how to make it work. The "multi-quote" button doesn't help.[/quote]Confirmed, I get the same issue.[/quote]

A reply to nested quotes doesn't work. At least I can't figure out how to make it work. The "multi-quote" button doesn't help.
Confirmed, I get the same issue.

I think SR's forum software works on nested quotes (haven't posted there in such a long time I forget how well it works, or not), and also does a nice post dating feature for each post).


Jan 13, 2002
Sadly it has to be done the hard way as udaman said. You need to manually write out the quotes. I didn't know the forum had this issue until this thread...sorry about this.


Jan 13, 2002
Well, it's a decent blame perhaps:

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