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  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Windows Update Down.
    If they can't drive Windows 11 adoption the normal way, they'll just break what you already have and then not fix it. Go figure.
  • Newtun
    Newtun reacted to LunarMist's post in the thread Windows Update Down with Angry Angry. TL;DR MS is not going to fix that bug. :(
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Windows Update Down. TL;DR MS is not going to fix that bug. :(
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    I don't use my laptops wirelessly at home, not even my work laptop. I have USB adapters, either 1GbE or 2.5GbE, but my networks for the...
  • sedrosken
    sedrosken replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    We tend to outfit most of our smaller customers that don't really have the need or budget for a FortiGate typically with a UDM Pro, a...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    *This next bit used to be true, and probably still is, but I haven't actually researched it in a few years* The most important thing the...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist reacted to ddrueding's post in the thread Wi-Fi with Like Like.
    Ubiquiti can do everything, but it doesn't have to. The one I linked above just does Wifi. The one I have at home is a Dream Machine...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    The torpology is ridiculous. The RG6 cable goes from ONT (splitter) into the Wi-Fi and main STB, and the RJ45 cable also goes from the...
  • J
    jtr1962 reacted to ddrueding's post in the thread Video Cards with Like Like.
    We are totally off topic, but to answer JTRs question, the hot water from the city is an isolated closed-loop system. You control the...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    Ubiquiti can do everything, but it doesn't have to. The one I linked above just does Wifi. The one I have at home is a Dream Machine...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    From what I read the mesh stuff doesn't work well with my Fibros Wi-Fi router, which is necessary for video. So buying two Wi-FI...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    If your tablet tends to not leave the workroom, then everything mentioned in following paragraphs doesn't apply. Just about any AP will...
  • ddrueding
    ddrueding replied to the thread Video Cards.
    We are totally off topic, but to answer JTRs question, the hot water from the city is an isolated closed-loop system. You control the...
  • J
    jtr1962 replied to the thread Windows 11.
    The 20th century model worked fine. The problem is businesses think their profit margins should be a lot higher now. It's the difference...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Video Cards.
    Of course we are now totally off of the topic, but I meant like the Natural Gasses. Electric tankless is good for a sink or something.