LunarMist's latest activity

  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    I see those discoid devices in various buildings and the wiring is in the ceiling. I'm sure they are fine for just the internet About a...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Video Cards.
    Maybe they can run some city cold water like air conditioning in the summer. ;)
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    So I've learned that the orientation matters quite a bit. I don't understand the designs of the Wi-Fi, exepct maybe they are more for...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Windows Update Down.
    The problem is that they are still not getting the point that many people don't want a silly recovery partition and just don't want the...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Windows Update Down. TL;DR MS is not going to fix that bug. :(
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    I don't use my laptops wirelessly at home, not even my work laptop. I have USB adapters, either 1GbE or 2.5GbE, but my networks for the...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist reacted to ddrueding's post in the thread Wi-Fi with Like Like.
    Ubiquiti can do everything, but it doesn't have to. The one I linked above just does Wifi. The one I have at home is a Dream Machine...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    The torpology is ridiculous. The RG6 cable goes from ONT (splitter) into the Wi-Fi and main STB, and the RJ45 cable also goes from the...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Wi-Fi.
    From what I read the mesh stuff doesn't work well with my Fibros Wi-Fi router, which is necessary for video. So buying two Wi-FI...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Video Cards.
    Of course we are now totally off of the topic, but I meant like the Natural Gasses. Electric tankless is good for a sink or something.
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Pretty much everything is becoming a service. Of course there are strong business reason for that regardless of the negative impact to...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist posted the thread Wi-Fi in Computers.
    I'm going to try to add a small Wi-Fi device specifically for the S9 FE galactic tablet. As I mentioned here the Fibros wi-fi is...
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Video Cards.
    Did you ever build a radiator into the door? I'm surprised they don't use tankless water heaters in Europe.
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Windows 11.
    Who wants to listen to some kind of angry fool? There is no credibility.
  • LunarMist
    LunarMist replied to the thread Video Cards.
    As you know, power is a real limit for many home users in the states. You can't get 2kW from NEMA 5-15 and most 1500VA UPS are actually...