- Using Bart's Corpmb bootcd
- altered the relevant menu entry so that a ghost settings file (ghost.ini) is also copied over to the ramdisk (Frank Uberto's xmsdsk.exe)
Code:#if_exist %cddrv%\ghost\ghost.exe Symantec Ghost if "%dmpdrv%" == "" goto _ghost %dmpdrv% cd \ echo. echo You can store your ghost images on drive %dmpdrv%... echo. :_ghost echo Copying Ghost to ramdisk... echo. copy %cddrv%\ghost\ghost.exe %tmp%\ghost.exe copy %cddrv%\ghost\ghost.ini %tmp%\ghost.ini <---what I added ; %tmp%\ghost.exe -afile=%tmp%\ghost.err <---thought cmdline switches might have been overriding .ini so I commented it out %tmp%\ghost.exe <--- added basic line in its place del %tmp%\ghost.exe del %tmp%\ghost.ini if errorlevel 1 pause #endif
- ghost launches but ignores the settings file
- but if ghost is not copied to the ramdisk, and just run from its directory on the CD, it utilizes the settings file...same thing if you put them on a floppy (no surprise given the former)