Thank you TightVNC

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku
Can't access SF from work! :( Damm
Been trying for the last 5 hours (during my brakes ...:) )

It worked with links from home, so that really makes me mad (perhaps I should try some of the cisco **sploits and change the firewall...hmmm :evil: )...

Funny thing as we don't have too many limits on outgoing traffic here...Wonder whtat else is on that subnet that might be blocked here. Or is it some problem somewhere else...dunno yet...

So I downloaded the VNC viewer, started the server on my linux on my home computer, put up tunneling with ssh, and am writing this now on firebird on my windowmaker desktop! Yiihaaaa! :)

What a person wouldn't do to get his daily dose of SF....

Hourly dose.....

OK, OK, I'm only here a few times every half hour ! Wouldn't believe it judging by my post count.... :mrgrn: