I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi tonight in 3D. It came out yesterday in the European country I'm in, but we couldn't find a parking space at the theater, so we went back to the hotel. Tonight we got their earlier. The 3D showing wasn't very full whereas the 2D showing were quite full (based on buying tickets online). After watching it, I know why. The local language subtitles are very hard to read on a 3D movie because they're usually in the wrong depth plane for where the eye is naturally watching the movie. You can either watch the movie, or you can read the subtitles, or perhaps drive yourself crazy trying to go back and forth, but it's hard. However, that kind of worked out in my favor since I was more easily able to ignore them since it was the standard English audio and I couldn't read them anyhow as I don't know those languages. They were more of an out of focus blur that visually didn't distract me much.
Onto the movie... It was fun and entertaining. It seemed less overtly a re-hash of 4-6 than The Force Awakens, though it still borrowed many plot elements and recycled them.