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  1. J

    DAS controllers?

    Hello again! Quick question for you guys: Here is something from wiki I overlooked This actually sounds like something I may be interested in. If I understand this correctly (probably not ha), these DAS controllers could allow me to share...
  2. J

    SAN alternative

    Understood. Seems we are back where we started. Though, I would like to know how expensive such RAID controllers (including the technology to manage the failover event) are. I think I will contact a number of storage companies and see what's out there.
  3. J

    SAN alternative

    Thanks again everyone! This information has helped. Yes, I am in fact going to be using SATA drives, not SCSI. After looking into taking the DIY approach, there is just one thing I am still hung up on. I am looking for fault tolerance on the RAID controller (using RAID 5). So, if my RAID...
  4. J

    SAN alternative

    Quite true, but I would like to avoid power issues. In fact, both of my application servers reside on separate power strips, so if I daisy chain scsi drives and comp1 dies, I will be SOL, unless I duplicate my 15 terabytes, which I don't want to do. I am looking into how much building my own...
  5. J

    SAN alternative

    Just thought of something else, what if your motherboard dies on Comp1? Would Comp2 be able to read and write to HD1?
  6. J

    SAN alternative

    Good stuff. But I have a question: Let's suppose Comp1 writes to a memory block on HD1, and Comp2 writes to that same memory block on HD1 at the same time. What happens? What mechanisms are in place to prevent such a collision? J
  7. J

    SAN alternative

    P5, can you name a vendor that produces a scsi controller card that allows for sharing HDs between servers? I'm looking but have not found anything yet. Thanks so much! Jared
  8. J

    SAN alternative

    Bozo, thanks for that. And doing that would be the optimal solution. In fact I am using DFS for file replication between two of my file servers. With that I am getting fault tolerance. Thing is, I am looking to share 15 hard disks (for a total of 15 terabytes) worth of data between two...
  9. J

    SAN alternative

    Hello all! I am looking for an alternative to SAN storage solution. I am looking for a raid card that can stripe an array of 15 hard disks with raid 5 and then "share" the array with a raid card on another machine. Let me explain, I have two application servers that will fail over in case of...