Search results

  1. P

    Visio : No maps for China or Taiwan for "diplomatic rea

    New York is a mess in many parts. But it is a kick-ass city!
  2. P

    AOpen Motherboards

    My bro too. Never had problems either. (But I stick with ASUS.)
  3. P

    AOpen Motherboards

    Experience while I was playing around for a couple of years in VIA Arena forums tells me that, at least for VIA-based mobos, Abit gives speed whores above everything else. And I know many other dudes in my immediate enviroment who have been able to o/c them successfully to high ratios. Are you...
  4. P

    AOpen Motherboards

    Actually that was a technical marvel, Merc-man, a study of ingenuity, a triumph of analog over digital! But I won't continue on this one...
  5. P

    Neat site

    It's Greek. :bsmurf: And not so difficult to spell... d-oh!
  6. P

    I received this hilarious spam

    Intrigues everywhere, hehe!
  7. P

    Visio : No maps for China or Taiwan for "diplomatic rea

    I think the situation of Montreal/Canada is the same as Catalonia/Spain. People here have the same ideas. However it's better to unite this world, not divide it even more...
  8. P

    Strikeout in BBCode

    testing... <s>blah blah blah</s>
  9. P

    Disturbing find about Google

    Maybe you have to channel your hate elsewhere, though, cause for the time being there is no real alternative. Windows, Office, Internet Explorer... all are top apps. Nothing works that good and has such support/compatibility with 3rd-party content. I've said it in the past and I won't get...
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    Strikeout in BBCode

  11. P

    Which components for a basic, high-reliability system?

    OT Off Topic: honold vs CougTek I won't comment on who's who...
  12. P

    Strikeout in BBCode

    So...? :-?
  13. P

    Western Digital Caviar SE vs Seagate Barracuda 7200.7 8MB

    Seagate up to 160GB. WD if you need more than that.
  14. P

    Beating Dell

    Hi, sorry to pop in... :) I'm sure small ma'n'pa shops can still beat big retailers in prices in respect to what you get. The situation is basically the same in Italy and in Greece too, so I can confirm Mercutio's and Tea's claim... ...but, is it possible the difference in price to be...
  15. P

    Realtek ALC650 Onboard 6-Chennel vs. SBLive!

    Why throw it? As long as there is official support from Creative you should use it. Sounds good... :)
  16. P

    [NEWS] - Ultra-fast downloads : The Fast TCP system

    Shhhhh... fortunately I don't live there. :mrgrn: Well, even if I lived there I would be OK. It will almost sound unreal but I was too much lucky: my father was the 1st person (yep, they told him that over the phone) that asked for the pilot ADSL service in my city (Thessaloniki) 3 years ago...
  17. P

    Strikeout in BBCode

    Can we add the strikeout feature for letters/words it in these forums?
  18. P

    [NEWS] - Ultra-fast downloads : The Fast TCP system

    Indeed but remember that some of the best and most-used broadband ideas (DSL) where put in practice using the existing infrastructure. There was speculation in the beginning that everything had to physically change to have access to broadband and DSL proved the twin copper wire had a long long...
  19. P

    [NEWS] - Ultra-fast downloads : The Fast TCP system

    Yep. That's true. Swedes make us rest of EU nationals blush with those broadband solutions and long-term Internet investment thinking. But Fast TCP is a packet protocol, not a connection method. They can coexist.
  20. P

    Wide thread for putting pictures in

    Mwahahaahah! I don't blame you... having 56K gives two blank posts. Having 2048K gives two blank posts as well, but for only 4-5 seconds. 8)
  21. P

    Wide thread for putting pictures in

    Tea, Mercutio will be angry about this. Always link externally (and warn!) about large images.
  22. P

    [NEWS] - Ultra-fast downloads : The Fast TCP system

    Moreover this apartment has enough sockets (and high-watt fuses) for all his "equipment"... :wink:
  23. P

    [NEWS] - Ultra-fast downloads : The Fast TCP system

    Why that? Did it have any secret embarassing drawbacks?! Anyway, Fast TCP seems a good system to multiply x3 current speeds.
  24. P


    The translation sucks, I should have done it myself. :(
  25. P

    Global Garden Grows Greener

    Indeed good news. However even this can turn things bad if the climate becomes too warm.
  26. P

    [NEWS] - No more "Built by ATI" cards

    Would I be pushing my luck way to far by correcting you? :roll: You did post it on that time, but according to MY clock at 2:11pm. Well, you can't talk about times in an international forum without being specific in regard to GMT/UTC. Please count till 10 before you start chasing me. :P
  27. P


    My ISP's official standing on the matter... follows a Google translation. Indirizzi IP, cosa sono e quali vengono assegnati ai clienti FastWeb Gli indirizzi IP (Internet Protocol) possono essere pensati come veri e propri indirizzi che vengono assegnati ai computer nel momento in cui...
  28. P

    [NEWS] - No more "Built by ATI" cards honold is right. :roll:
  29. P

    [NEWS] - No more "Built by ATI" cards

    VIA sells its own mobos as well.
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    Because I wanted to cut down on hosting costs and use my PC's hard disk capacity and permament connection. Com'n, everybody with broadband is doing it. Almost all ISPs I know give dynamic (or static) public IPs. My ISP is the fastest (in Italy), but has this problem... and the fee to rent a...
  31. P

    OMG...this poor cat

    Good job Clock. :mrgrn:
  32. P

    [NEWS] - No more "Built by ATI" cards

    This is sad. But then again: how many of you having Intel- or VIA- chipsets buy the respective mobos from the chipset manufacturers? Sure, compatibility and performance should be optimal, but you'll miss the bundled goodies the independent manufacturer (ie. ASUS) places in the mobos-graphics cards.
  33. P

    Help The Giver pick a new Proffesion...

    :o I wasn't aware that The Giver was so... big!? :-?
  34. P


    Thanks. I'll have that in mind.
  35. P


    This isn't an excuse. The don't know (neither you do) what I'm running so they can't beforehand deny me a normal FTP server use because of abuse speculations. I haven't abused anything. Nor can they prove my Blackmoon FTP is already insecure. I think my ISP was telling the truth. To cut they...
  36. P

    Create a fart

    And two silly games: Everyone needs a passatempo. Mercutio shall not play the games cause he was a bad bad boy... :lol:
  37. P


    I understand. That's why I crave for IPv6. I wonder what their excuse would be on that case.
  38. P

    Create a fart

    No, but I found your signature... Check these parameters on the fart: CouchTest is in town! :lol: -Embarrasingly long -Death-like -Wet Fart -Off The Scale pull his finger and take cover!
  39. P

    headphone recommendations

    Eeh? Blah blah blah... Too bad BOSE turned you down on that work offer. Erm, the topic was headphones last time I checked. WAIT!!! .........still is! It's you that posts his photo as an Avatar, not me. Don't worry, all this "blood boiling" will probably kill you by a stroke sitting on your...
  40. P


    I think Mercutio was rightly talking about indoor temperatures, where you can sense the slight differences. You don't happen to live in the dog's house in the garden, do you Couch? :lol:
  41. P


    JC, when I have to agree with CouchTest or Merc-man I get really excited! :lol: Fushigi, if you read my posts (especially my ISP problem) in this thread you'll find why NATing and stuff like that is destroying our ability to create a perfect address system and share files like proper...
  42. P


    Well you're right but still most people can't understand the difference between 80 and 78F, instead (sensible enough) they can if it changes from 27 to 25C, as you said. This is IMO a plus. For everyday life Celsius is perfect because of its perfect scaling. Moreover, digital or quality analog...
  43. P

    headphone recommendations

    That's a load of $&i+. Now stop being gay just because you're out of arguments. If you don't know how to defend yourself, your ideas, and your opinions abstain from posting in public forums. You're so lame! This hasn't been my thread, smart one, it has been Adcadet's. You have indirectly...
  44. P

    Create a fart
  45. P

    headphone recommendations

    Instead of doing this I would rather read the subjective reviews done by real owners... When I first read it I was amazed to see the deviation of opinions! Some people give them 1 out of 5 grades, others 5/5... Conclusion: You can't always...
  46. P


    There is one big difference P5... People deliberately sap the enviroment! Exhausting the IPs before implementing the new standard, means businesses and persons which for a short time CANN'T be served, thus... revenues lost. I would say that the IP thing is more like the Y2K bug. Businesses...
  47. P

    headphone recommendations

    Good luck!
  48. P


    What's wrong with Kelvin (Celsius)?
  49. P

    headphone recommendations

    Just because I'm a med stud doesn't mean I don't know 1+1=2, dawg. And FYI we do have a small economics course (regarding Health Management). I'm not saying BOSE is expensive only because of quality, aesthetics, quality of materials, and marketing play a great role certainly. Same thing happens...
  50. P

    headphone recommendations

    It's OK. I didn't say you said they're the leader. You said they were OK and that's fine. The article in my link says they were great.