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  1. K

    Download manager

    Any suggestions for a good download manager? In the next day or so, I want to download some large games, & I don't want to see it get most of the way through, then lose it all because I forgot to turn off call waiting on the telephone.
  2. K

    F@H Slacker

    No, I didn't sabotage our lot of ECS boards (the whole two of them), but if we get any more, I might! I took one home with an XP 1700+. It was very unstable. I tried both DDR & SDRAM, different PSU and clean install, even put the Athlon 1000 back in, but it kept crashing all over the place...
  3. K


    Nice to meet you all too. Although I feel like I know most of you already, from reading over Tannin's shoulder at lunchtime. Now that I've finally posted, I'll be back from time to time.
  4. K


    Thanks for being so quick to respond. This sort of stuff is all very new to me.
  5. K


    My housemate recently put LimeWire on my computer, is this one of those nasty things that sends my information to people?