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  1. J

    Question about the legality Linux DVD decoders

    To the best of my knowledge, distributing DVD decoders without paying a royalty only breaks US laws, meaning it's fine to create and distribute them in other countries. With the internet being global, however, it's very easy to get a foreign copy and download it into the US.
  2. J

    FreeBSD 5.0 RC2 released, 5.0 final scheduled for January 17

    I get the gentoo weekly newsletter. There was a good link in today's edition where someone writes about the pros and cons of Gentoo versus FreeBSD. The gist is that for a desktop, Gentoo is better. For a server (especially a uni-processor that doesn't dish out java apps), FreeBSD is better...
  3. J

    FreeBSD 5.0 RC2 released, 5.0 final scheduled for January 17

    I used to run SuSE linux on my desktop then switched to FreeBSD. I *loved* FreeBSD compared to SuSE. It was much faster and easier to keep my packages up to date. I ran this for about 4 months, but ran into little problems like I couldn't get OpenOffice to compile, some of my linux apps...
  4. J

    Getting to merge computers?

    Definately use two computers. It's no fun when you have little time and both want to check e-mail or look something up online and have to wait your turn. Between my wife and I, we have 6 computers in the house (I'm a sysadmin, so I like having lots of machines around to tinker with, besides...