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  1. K

    Slow SATA II Performance With ASUS P5WD2 and Deskstar drives

    Another power user achieved a Sistoft Sandra hard drive index of 85 with the same brand and drive (albeit mine is 500 gb): This is double my performance! We have the same motherboard, processor, and Corsair low-latency memory. The...
  2. K

    Slow SATA II Performance With ASUS P5WD2 and Deskstar drives

    The problem is that the HD Tach score is way, way off the Sisoft Sandra score, and the system is quite sluggish. It has physically slowed down since going to SATA. Is Sandra a bad benchmark for SATA? The speed meaurements are consistent over all four SATA drives. The morroring doesn't...
  3. K

    Slow SATA II Performance With ASUS P5WD2 and Deskstar drives

    I have been tweaking my new ASUS P5WD2 Premium for months, and have only one very surprising bottle-neck: my state of the art SATA II drives. I have four of these: Two Hitachi Deskstar 80 gb SATA II, mirrored in RAID 1 as boot drive C Two Hitachi Deskstar 500 gb SATA II on the same controller...