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  1. H

    How to access USB Tape Drives on Windows?

    But is there any way to enumerate the USB tape devices like wither from the registry or using the SetupApi calls where i can get the devices names. Please do suggest any hint.
  2. H

    How to access USB Tape Drives on Windows?

    But the device path for createfile API is somwhat \\.\BTIAUSB. Is this correct? Or is there any other device path for accessing the USB tape devices. After getting the handle to the device can we issue inquiry commands and other scsi commands to the device. Using a tape miniclass driver plus...
  3. H

    How to access USB Tape Drives on Windows?

    Hi All, Please Can anybody let me know the way to access the USB tape drives on Windows programatically and issue scsi commands to the tape drive. Is it possible to issue the scsi commands to it? Any sample code would help me. Thanks & Regards Hemanth
  4. H

    How to access USB Tape Drives on Windows?

    Hi All, Please Can anybody let me know the way to access the USB tape drives on Windows programatically and issue scsi commands to the tape drive. Is it possible to issue the scsi commands to it? Any sample code would help me. Thanks & Regards Hemanth
  5. H

    Getting Tape Class Driver Version

    I can get the ClassGUID through WMI. By quering the Win32_TapeDrive class and getting the deviceID then quering the same in Win32_PnpEntity class. This class also has a member for Class GUID. Using this GUID we can query the Registry for the Driver version in the specified Registry path.
  6. H

    Getting Tape Class Driver Version

    I specifically require it through programmatically
  7. H

    Getting Tape Class Driver Version

    Any directions for getting the tape class driver version using Windows code. I had some few thoughts of getting the same. 1. As we know the Tape Class driver file is Tape.sys in Windows. Simultaneously it has a .INF file tape.inf Is it the right way of parsing the .INF file and getting the...
  8. H

    Help required - SCSI Tape Erase Error

    OS - Win2k Device - Tape Device HP C1537A Scsi Sequential Device This is SCSI programmming. This is purely C code with Windows APIs. The code uses SPTI interface for communication with the Scsi Devices. this interface uses Tape Class driver i.e Tape.sys supplied by MS. The code is an small...
  9. H

    Help required - SCSI Tape Erase Error

    Scsi Erase Command Failing with Error Code 1117 Its giving an Error Code as 1117 representing "The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error". But i am able to execute the SCSI commands like read, write, rewind and so on. Have anyone faced the problem if so Please let me...
  10. H

    Help required - SCSI Tape Erase Error

    Hi I am issuing the scsi commands to the Tape device \\\\.\\Tape0 using SCSI_PASS_THROUGH interface but the DeviceIoControl() for Tape Erase is failing and returning the error code as 5 which is "Access is Denied" the code is here. Can you let me know is anything wrong in it? memset(&stScsiCmd...
  11. H

    Different Finding SCSI class driver version

    Hi I am involved in the development of Tape Diagnostic tool. Where in i have find out the SCSI class driver version. Are there any ways of getting the same. Any Sample program would help or any ideas? Regds Hemanth
  12. H

    Scsi Rewind Failing - Error "Access is Denied"

    Here is the code hDevHandle = CreateFile( szDevPath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); i was using only the GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ parameters
  13. H

    Scsi Rewind Failing - Error "Access is Denied"

    Found the solution!!! Actually the createfile API didnt had the Write access.
  14. H

    Scsi Rewind Failing - Error "Access is Denied"

    I have use SPTI only.
  15. H

    Scsi Rewind Failing - Error "Access is Denied"

    Scsi Rewind Scsi troubleshooting in the sense. I didnt get you. Cabling is fine. Terminattion means?
  16. H

    Scsi Rewind Failing - Error "Access is Denied"

    Hi I am issuing the scsi commands to the Tape device \\\\.\\Tape0 using SCSI_PASS_THROUGH interface but the DeviceIoControl() is failing and returning the error code as 5 which is "Access is Denied" the code is here. Can you let me know is anything wrong in it? memset(&stScsiCmd, 0...