A Geek Christmas: What works and what doesn't...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Well, Santa had a good year, since he got double paid this year, in December.

So far, the good:

Combo SATA/firewire/usb 2 card is working well.
7 Port USB with flashing lights is fun, too.
Maxtor backup usb2 250 gig, while only 13 mb/sec, still is enough to backup, and play video.

Memory chip, 2 gig, came in for the D50 Nikon. SIMPLY INCREDIBLE :excl: :eekers:

I love shooting the cat with it, vs. the Olympus, where I missed so many shots, well, it became intolerable. It came with two lens, one 85-200 mm
zoom, for 899.

Can't beat that with a stick.

The camera is instant on, flash is ready to shoot again in seconds, and the screen is bright and clear. We've always had Nikons, except for the Canon Eos film camera I have.

Bought the Epson Picturemate for a couple hundred bucks bundled with the Nikon, with the promise of a rebate(can't get the rebate forms...)
The picture quality appears better then Costco, or our local camera shop, and, I can Photoshop the pictures so they are already about what I want, on 4 X6's. REALLY great clarity, and the 4 x 6's are fantastic quality, and about .30 cents each.

I bought a multi port hub, 7 ports, for the Athlon 1.4 Asus 266 at work, along with a UPS>, and a laser MSFT keyboard and wireless mouse.....
Like the old turkey joke, I'll let you know, if, and how they work, provided the power supply comes in tomorrow.

Too late. The power supply went south, either due to the power browning, shuting down, both, or old age.

Seasonic 500w is Fedexing in tomorrow, I hope, from newegg.

Finally maybe my favorite toy is the Primera Signature Z1. Prints really nice labels on CD's, rather then my sharping handwriting from hell.

Also, put a Zantec Stealth into my server scsi hot swap box, 92mm.

It's so quiet, I have to listen a bit to make sure it's booting. No heat issues, and silence is golden.

Thanks all for suggestions made...
