Accidental repair


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
Last week I worked on a friends laptop. Vista was installed but wouldn't boot. Once the system got past the OEM splash screen something would flash on the screen and then the system would reboot. I never did find out what the flashing screen said.
I booted from a Vista DVD and selected the Repair mode. There was no backup and Repair said System Restore was nonexistant. So I let it try to do a repair of the system. Repair came back with a message that said it couldn't repair the Vista install.
During the Beta, it was noted that the repair disk could not repair the 100meg boot partition and MS said it would be addressed in a future release. (it still doesn't work in Win7.)
I then loaded Win7 in a partially empty partition with the idea that I could at least retrieve personal items.
After retrieving the data I took a chance when the dual boot menu came up and selected Vista. It booted.
Long story short: the computer was shut off while Vista was installing a service pack. This pretty much hosed the system. By installing Win7 in a dual boot, it repaired the boot partition.
Sometimes it's better to lucky than good.