another thremal chart?


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Thanks Cas for you help finding the Athlon XP/MP thermal charts.... but I'm having trouble finding data on the original Athlon slot and socketed CPU's

The data sheets I've been able to find don't list the average or typical output, but more the maximum thermal output or the maximum die temp.

It would be really helpful if someone could dig up data on the original 800mHz athlon socket A CPU @ 1.75volts.

The reason why I am interested is because I am running my linux server that I can't have running any(or much) hotter and I need to upgrade the CPU in 1 week or I will not have a CPU for this box(lease is up on borrowed CPU)

The two options I have looked into are the Duron 900mHz @ 1.6volts or the Duron 1300mHz @1.75 volts as these two options provide the best price to performance and have relatively low heat output.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
It's well known that I am anything but a big Intel fan, Blakewry, but this job sounds to me like one that is crying out for a Celeron in the 800 to 1400MHz class. Celerons have very low heat generation and some of them have excellent performance. The breakdown is like this:

266 and 300: Terrible. Quite possibly the worst-performing chips ever made.

300A up to about 400 or so: Very good performers. Had they not come out at about the same time as the even more wonderful early-model K6-2 parts (the 300 in particular), they would be remembered as one of the all-time great chips.

433 or so up to 533 or so: Gradually falling off the pace as the 66MHz bus speed and small cache took an ever greater effect, but still good.

566 to 766: Very sluggish indeed: the faster they went, the slower they went (so to speak) as the multiplier went up higher and higher but the stone-age 66MHz bus remained constant. A Celeron 766 is blown comprehensively into the weeds by even the lowliest of Duron 600s.

800 to 1400: Excellent. The best Celerons since the 300A, and very nearly the equal of a Duron. The rule of thumb is to equate a Celeron in this class to the next lower clock speed Duron: i.e., compare a Celeron 1200 to a Duron 1100. These are essentially 128k cache versions of the Coppermine P-III, and not only use very little power,they cook along very well indeed. (Some of them even have 256k caches - I'm sure that my old sparring partner Cougtek will have the details at his fingertips if you ask him nicely.*)

1700 and up: Avoid like poison. The P-4 based Celerons: (a) are based on the clock-ineffiecient P-4 design, which means they have to clock roughly 50% faster than a high IPC design like an Athlon, Duron, P-III or previous-generation Celeron to provide equal performance, (b) have been castrated back to 128k L2 cache, which is just too small to be useful, particularly given their anemic little L1 cache, and (c) are based on the old, Willamette P-4, not the new and vastly improved Northwood core. So not only are they expensive and slow, they are power-hungry. A 1.7GHz Celeron barely matches the old Celeron 1100 or a 1000MHz Duron.

For your job, a Celeron 1100 (give or take a few hundred MHz) would be perfect.

* If you ask nicely and get no response, just insult him: Tea (who is looking over my shoulder as I type this) tells me that Cougtek never fails to respond fully and in detail whenever you insult him. I wouldn't know, of course, because unlike the hairy one, I am always polite and helpful.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
no, this is a low cost thing.... I have already spent more on this system that I wanted.

1st my mobo dies, then my friend wants his CPU back.... I originally intended spending $25 on the case and that was it....

I've already spent $25 on the case and $60 on a new mobo... I think I'm going to go with the 900mHz Duron. But I'd like to make sure that it will run cooler than the current processor... else I might just buy this thing from my friend.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
yes, when i was looking at motherboards I was thinking.. hey, I should just get a socket370 and put a celery in there.... but then I was like "Hey, i already have a athlon CPU... the DDR memory.... it'll be cheaper to buy the athlon mobo"

well, guess I as wrong...

I'll suck up the 30 bucks or so... it's not alot of money but i am currently unemployed.... I need to get a job to pay for all my recent expendatures...