ATI X800XL's and heat...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Since I have two of these now, I thought I might post a bit about the heat stuff.

With my computers, I've been trying to cut noise down. On the server box, this meant not installing a 120mm fan to blow over the PCI cards, and, in the new box David built, it meant keeping the fans running slowly. or off.

In both cases, after extended game play, I ended up with the cards putting out a checkerboard video for the games, and, it was resolved by shutting down the two machines, and waiting for them to cool down.

On the server I've installed an 120mm out of the Antec P 160 case, and, it's quiet, and the heat problem appears to be gone. I also installed another Vantec Stealth on the side of the case to pump more air in at the video card.

Both seem to have worked.

With the Game box, I crank the fans up all the way when playing, and, with the passive cooler on the video card, that seems to do the trick.
Both make great sources of heat, during these cold times in Walnut Creek.

The server box has the standard cooler, the game machine the passive type cooler.

Both video cards are very fast, and incredible for the money.

This one in the server machine, but, AGP:

This one in the game machine:
