Cases (more general)


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
Cases are something of an issue for us at present.

Traditionally, we have carried 3 lines:
  • A premium case. Quality PSU, moderately expensive. Slow but steady seller.
  • A standard case. Cheap as we can get without sacrificing too much - i.e., we can't put up with shoddy build quality, too much flex, crappy mounting hardware, or power supplies that don't function with tolerable reliability. These are maybe 70% or 80% of our volume.
  • A cheap case. Sometimes we stock these, sometimes we don't. These are for second-hand systems and repairs and sale as spare parts to people who don't want to spend any more than they absolutely have to. We still try to avoid the very botom of the barrel.
A month or two ago, we sold out of our standard cases: good big Omni-manufactured ones which were tolerably solid, had half-decent 400W PSUs, masses of room with the 3.5 inch bay being full height, a nice, fairly plain front, simple, practical lift-off top and sides, and a place to put our company badge. We sold these for ages with perfect satisfaction. At around $60ex, they were reasonably priced.

Try as we might, we simply can't find a replacement for them. The new model from the ame manufacturer is $5 or $10 cheaper and shoddy. Very thin and wobbly, no badge mount, crappy card cage with a hole and a screw-on cover for it that gets lost.

Every other case we have tried by way of replacement (bar two - see below) has been the same, or even worse. They are cheap enough, but crap, crap, crap. Many of them have stupid colours or flashing lights or other useless crapola, and none of them are well enough manufactured to use as our mainstream system case. My wholesale sources tel me that the case manufacturers are feeling very squeezed on price and have had to cut costs to compete.

The whole market seems to have gone mad! You can get cases with holes, cases with windows, cases with 6 fans, cases with black fronts, cases with glowing lights, cases with illuminated fans - everything except cases that actually function tolerably well as computer cases.

The two exceptions are both from A-Open. The first is a smallish but well-made and well-designed unit which has no front USB and only a 250W PSU, but costs about the same as the old Nokia cases, maybe a fraction less. (We called our old Omni ones "Nokias" because the front panel looks like a mobile phone.) The A-Open 250W jhas enough oomph to power the vast majority of our systems, and is every bit as good as the Omni 400 we were happy with. Nice cases, but the lack of front USB makes them unsuitable for mainstream use. The second A-Open is excellent, and fits our requirements very well. But it costs about the same as our Bliss premium case and doesn't look as nice, so why bother?

So, at present, we are reduced to carrying just one case, the Bliss midi-tower which, at $75 plus tax and freight, retails at over $100. They are a superb case, plain beige with no fancy crap, excellent 300W PSU, not as much room as a Nokia but room enough, very solid build and a clever dual tool-free/screw-in system which lets you use screws or solid no-slip plastic clips as you prefer, a case fan pre-fitted, badge slot, front USB ... we really like them. But they cost too much for everyday use.

Anyway, I've checked out nearly all the cases from nearly all our wholesalers, and short of signing on a new supplier (which I don't like doing - too much duplication takes too much time and money) there is nothing else to be done bar putting up our prices and telling our customers that they are getting top quality whether they want it or not.

I'm not actually looking for advice or anything here - I'd be very reluctant to take on yet another supplier just to get hold of cases - just providing a report on the state of play in this stupid industry.

Quality is out. Crapola is in. Especially if it glows in the dark.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I agree with your opinion there, alot of mainstream cases have really gone down hill and into the realm of glow in the dark, see through, UV-reactive, does it have a fishtank?, can it be overclocked w/ a blowhole junk.

I also agree that Aopen has some nice cases that look good for mainstream use.

Like this one, w/ front USB and audio...

My other choice would be Enlight, which makes very sensible cases.. Up until a year ago I thought their motto was "available in any color you like as long as it's beige."

Check out this daring case.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
This is the case that I've been using from Apex: 100-G2-P4

It's a handy little case that fits nicely into the sub-US$50 range.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
Bozo said:

I built a system for my father-in-law with that SLK 1600. It is a nice case although a bit on the small side. If you have an standard size or larger ATX motherboard with RAM slots @ the upper front location (an ECS K7S5A Pro in this case) , you may have trouble using the lower 5.25" bay if you have a full-size optical drive to fit in there (it may interfere with a RAM stick).

The case is nice a quiet though as long as you don't put a powerful 80mm exhaust fan in there. I have an Enermax adjustable fan at about 2,500 RPM exhausting and it stays plenty cool for an old 1900+ Athlon...
