

Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
Why it often that will compromise for no given reason, other than "because they want to".

Case in example,
A friend of mine is building a new i7 setup for himself.
1. Buys a new i7 based Xeon 3520 CPU. (cheaper than a i7-920 and in stock at supplier, runs at same clock speed as a i7-920).
2. Buys an X58 motherboard. (Gigabyte GA-X58-UD3).
3. Installs 4x 2GB DDR3-800 DIMMS in dual channel mode.

WTF, why is he running dual channel mode, on a setup that will run triple channel fine AND has Reg ECC support?

His reason, is that there is little difference between triple channel and dual channel setups. Far enough, but is using this box for video editing and encoding. AFAIK, encoding is one of the areas where triple channel does make a difference.

And to note, cost was/is not an issue.

I've noticed a lot of people compromise on issues for no valid reason. Anyone had any other experiences, or would like to offer suggestions?


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
I realize I'm compromising with myself, but I play the hold off game a lot as well. Often times I hold off on a tech purchase until the price/performance suits me. Such is the case with SSDs; I want one but am willing to wait for the price to drop another 20-30% before I take the plunge.

Ditto to replace our 35" tube TV in the family room. I want an flat panel in the 52-60" range to replace it but to date have not found any units I want at a price I'm willing to pay. I'm keeping a close watch on the 55" Samsung LED sets as that seems to be the sweet spot for screen size for us but I see no reason to drop $2500 to replace an otherwise working TV whose only real fault is it doesn't do HD.

I want a small, light laptop for personal use. Netbooks as well as some of the single core offerings (MSI X340, for instance) are too much of a compromise for me (performance, screen resolution, etc.) so I'm looking at some of the ultraportable offerings with 13"-ish screens. Equipped the way I want them they are more money than I'm willing to pay. So I wait for either of two things to happen: the price to come down or my personal finances to allow a large discretionary expenditure. I can compromise on when I buy but am not willing to compromise on the feature set I desire.