Your AMD 2500+ barton core CPU that you have is definitely running too hot IMHO @ 60C. My guess is that could be the issue. That chip should run fine up to 50C. Anything over that and you may run into these types of problems. I don't personally own a Barton core athlon (I have the thoroughbred), but maybe someone else can give some feedback on temperatures for that core. I still think it's too high at 60C.
Are you over-clocking the CPU at all, be it unintentionally? Make note of the GHz speed in the BIOS and report back the frequency so we know if it's overclocked.
In regards to the white goop, that thermal grease is a key component to maximizing the heat transfer between the core and the heatsink. PM me your address and I can send you an extra tube of it. If you would rather buy some from the store, it is readly available from most stores like
compusa, or online from a place like
If you've never applied thermal grease, keep in mind you only need a
very thin layer to make this stuff work. Don't put so much that it gushes out the sides when the heatsink is pressed against it.
I can also give you a heatsink & fan for that series chip if you need a new one. It's probably better than the stock unit, and a bit quieter.
In regards to SATA drives and RAID, what is your budget? The drive most people praise for reliability around here (self included) is Samsung. I've personally bought 3 drives so far, and recommended several to others, all of which are still running fine. Tannin sells tons of them to his customers with very low return rates. he can tell you more about it if you want.
I don't know what size you need, but samsung has just updated their SATA line to SATA 3.0Gb (which is backward compatible). you could buy two
Samsung SpinPoint P Series HD160JJ 160GB for roughly $80 each.