Hairy Aussie
I'm have a bit of trouble with cascading style sheets.
You can see my attempt to use css here: http://www.timwhit.com/sisk This was created using Dreamweaver and one of their templates. I changed the CSS to suit my needs (however, I failed).
The problem I am having is that the footer is being spaced down slightly and not running right up to the content area.
The other area that is causing problems is the left and right sidebars. I would like the background colors of these areas to be the same all the way to the footer. Basically, I want both of these content areas to be the same height as the middle content area, and I would like to have this happen automatically. Though, I don't know if this is possible.
If I should post code, then I will do so.
Thanks for any help, I am pulling my hair out trying to fix this, and I have little to no experience with CSS. I could have achieved the same thing using tables in a quarter of the time, but I need to learn CSS sometime.
You can see my attempt to use css here: http://www.timwhit.com/sisk This was created using Dreamweaver and one of their templates. I changed the CSS to suit my needs (however, I failed).
The problem I am having is that the footer is being spaced down slightly and not running right up to the content area.
The other area that is causing problems is the left and right sidebars. I would like the background colors of these areas to be the same all the way to the footer. Basically, I want both of these content areas to be the same height as the middle content area, and I would like to have this happen automatically. Though, I don't know if this is possible.
If I should post code, then I will do so.
Thanks for any help, I am pulling my hair out trying to fix this, and I have little to no experience with CSS. I could have achieved the same thing using tables in a quarter of the time, but I need to learn CSS sometime.