DSL router problems


What is this storage?
Jun 26, 2005
Simsbury Connecticut
Hello all,
I have two machines running XP Pro they both run fine. I recently bought a Linksys wireless G broadband router. It has four old school wired ports and also the ability for wireless connections. I set my two machines up on this using the old school wired connections with plans of a mobile laptop in my future.

Everything was working fine for about a week(with heavy use) with both machines able to access my DSL through the router and I even somehoe figured out how to get file sharing working between the machines. The all of a sudden with no changes made...wham! Neither machine seems to be able to connect to the internet through my router and the machines can't see each other anymore? I tried re-running the network setup but no change. Any thoughts?


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I would reset the router to factory defaults and see if the machines are pulling IP/DNS information from the router.

what conneciton type is your DSL (DHCP, PPPoE, Static)?


What is this storage?
Jun 26, 2005
Simsbury Connecticut
Well, to my knowledge I didnt change any of the default settings on the router. As for your other question... Umm Can I plead stupidity? I'm only into computers in passing. I was a programmer a few years back but never into the hardware aspect. I built both machines from case up and the router installed easily as I followed the directions. I am running SBC(locla phone provider along with DSL and dish network) DSL which provides a DSL modem. I then uplinked their modem to my router and everything seemed happy for awhile. I was able to run both machines on the net and even did some Return to Castle wolfenstein online with one of them. How would I find out the info you asked for?


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
Try connecting 1 of the PCs directly to the DSL Modem - bypassing the router. If that works the problem is definitely in the router; either a config issue or it's just plain failed.


Jan 13, 2002
I would do what Fushigi suggested to rule out the router as the problem. In addition I would check both machines one at a time.

Craig, for the connection type, just call and ask which of the ones blakerwry mentioned. There are different settings in the router for each type, so it's important you are using the right ones. Did they give you any type of software/dialer to install which connects you to the internet? If so, you may need to tell your router to do that.

For example, here is some of the help info from my netgear router:

Does Your Internet Connection Require A Login?

Select this option based on the type of account you have with your ISP. If you need to enter login information every time you connect to the Internet or you have a PPPoE account with your ISP, select Yes. Otherwise, select No.

Note: If you have installed PPP software such as WinPoET (from Earthlink) or Enternet (from PacBell), then you have PPPoE. Select Yes. After selecting Yes and configuring your router, you will not need to run the PPP software on your PC to connect to the Internet.
Internet Service Provider

Select the service provided by your ISP. "Other" (PPPoE) is the most common. "PPTP" is used in Austria and other European countries. "Telstra BigPond" is for Australia only.

This is usually the name that you use in your e-mail address. For example, if your main mail account is JerAB@ISP.com, then put JerAB in this box.

Some ISPs (like Mindspring, Earthlink, and T-DSL) require that you use your full e-mail address when you log in. If your ISP requires your full e-mail address, then type it in the Login box.


What is this storage?
Jun 26, 2005
Simsbury Connecticut
Hiya Doug... LTNS! I have been pretty busy lately You going to Worcestor for the summer nats next weekend?

My machines work fine when hooked directly to the DSL modem so I am thinking its the router. I bought the router legit and registered it so maybe its a warranty thing? I had heard XP Pro doesn't always like to play well with these kinds of things so I thought I would ask in case it was one of those "oh you have to do this" kind of things.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Since you didnt have to play w/ the router to get it working originally, I'll assume you have DHCP (automatic, no login, just plug and go)

I would follow the instructions to reset the router to factory defaults using the reset button. Hook the router to the modem, PCs to the router. Turn modem off, then on, wait 30 seconds, turn router off then on, wait, then turn computers on.

On the PCs, goto Start -> Run -> type CMD

At the command prompt type ipconfig /all.

The PCs should show that they have an IP info of
IP 192.168.1.x
Net mask:
Default gateway:
And should also have two DNS servers following the above.

At this point either everything is good or you are going to need to log into your router to find out more.