Dual Boot problem


What is this storage?
Feb 12, 2005
Maybe some one could help me with this, i originally had win XP installed on my hd, everything worked fine. I added another HD to my pc, and put linux on there, everything still worked fine. I then partioned the 2nd hd with linux on it and put win2k on there..thats where the problems started. After the win2k install i was only able to log onto win 2k and linux. when i tried getting into winxp i would get a GRUB disk error" error, i fixed that error by doing a FIXMBR on the winxp recovery console. That fucked up my linux partion i think, but thats not important. Throughout this whole porccess i was able to get into the winxp partion only when i used a winxp boot disk.

Now that the GRUB error is fixed i can get to the dual boot screed which shows win2k and winxp, i choose win xp, and when it tried to load win xp without the bootdisk (from the hard drive) an error shows saying something to the effect of "unable to load win200 try booting the install cd and choose repair" something like that. but the problem is im choosing to boot xp and for some reason its trrying to load it from win2k, i really dont understand this, and i dont wanna live off booting from the xp boot disk.

does this make any sense to anyone? please help...im In a world of confusion, ive tried everything short of formatting which i dont want to do.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
What you *should* have done was reinstall GRUB after installing Win2k.

The problem here is the WinXP and Win2k only get along with one another when XP is installed last, and they don't get along with Linux at all.


What is this storage?
Feb 12, 2005
is GRUB on the linux cd?

pretty much linux is fried it doesnt show up in the boot menu, and when i insert the boot disk i get a "missing NTLDR" error


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
This is because you installed the XP version of the NT OS loader into the boot sector!

You should be able to use your Linux boot floppy to get into your installation. From there you should be able to reinstall GRUB and set it up correctly.