None here either, thanks, for all the reasons already outlined.
I would like to add that I think people are too sensitive about typos. Don't you realize how much entertainment it provides the rest of us?
I am joking, BTW, hopefully to make a point.
Permanent posts are part of the character of the forum. In real life, if you tell someone, "You suck", you don't get the opportunity to go back and change it to "You rock", thereby leaving everyone else to wonder why you got a punch in the nose.
I think this makes people more carefully consider what they are going to say before hitting 'Submit'. Just like in real life.
I feel that with a fifteen minute safety net, most people will fire off posts without putting in as much thought. It follows that the standard of posts will fall, and one of our driving ideals is to maintain that standard.
On the other hand, I don't see how any of this applies to the For Sale forum. Why not make it editable for up to 7/14/30 days?
If we must have editable posts, then obviously I'd favour the one to two minute range, but is that any real advantage compared to previewing?