Well, I've finially gotten back to my roots.
The spare machine downstars has an unlocked Duron 850 running at 960/120fsb. Unfortunately, the mobo does not have voltage adjustment.
I'm overclocking my dual Athlon XP Rig. Yay! Using a program called CPUFSB, I was able to jack the FSB on my TigerMPX from 133mhz up to 144mhz. SO, now I'm running my dual 1700+ cpus at 1900+ speed. I must say, I'm really happy with the capabilities of this TigerMPX 2466-4M mobo!
Fold fold fold!! Unfortunately, a reboot is required to set the fsb to the higher speed so I can't jack the speed up after F@H has already benchmarked my system and started running.
The spare machine downstars has an unlocked Duron 850 running at 960/120fsb. Unfortunately, the mobo does not have voltage adjustment.
I'm overclocking my dual Athlon XP Rig. Yay! Using a program called CPUFSB, I was able to jack the FSB on my TigerMPX from 133mhz up to 144mhz. SO, now I'm running my dual 1700+ cpus at 1900+ speed. I must say, I'm really happy with the capabilities of this TigerMPX 2466-4M mobo!
Fold fold fold!! Unfortunately, a reboot is required to set the fsb to the higher speed so I can't jack the speed up after F@H has already benchmarked my system and started running.