F*%$##@(!!!! Firefox! It's doing it again! Just about the only thing I use this third-best browser for is visiting another forum ('cause it's easier to have different browsers for different places when you have a million windows open all the time).
And, not for the first bloody time, every time I hit the damn single quote key to make an apostrophe, that stupid, pox-ridden excuse for a modern browser pops up a bloody search bar at the bottom of the page. I DON'T WANT A BLOODY SEARCH BAR! I just want to post on a web forum for chrissake! How hard can it be?
I can press escape and type away again ..... just so long as I don't touch the damn single quote key, cause if I do, it's straght back to stupid search bar mode again.
I mean, seriously, how bad is this user interface? This NEVER happens with Mozilla, it NEVER happens with Opera, it never even happens with everybody's favourite cripplebrowser Internet Explorer.
This isn't the first time I've run into this exact same brain-dead behaviour from what is supposed to be a "modern", "user-friendly" browser. Note well, latest version, no plug-ins, no nuffin. I can't believe that people actually like this pox-ridden excuse for a browser.
It's just broken.