Currently some of the Slashdot commentary is actually pretty funny. Normally Slashdot comments make me pray for a nuclear war and the commensurate eradication of the human species.
#1 feature I have heard of so far: sharing bookmarks between different computers. I assume it does this by storing your bookmarks in a account automagically. If nothing else, that's pretty useful all by itself.
This one:
The greatest feature...
(Score:5, Funny)
The "Go back" and "Go forward" buttons have merged into an all powerful "stay here" button.
Is actually rather insightful, since these types of social information organizing phenomena strongly encourage people to stay in their comfort zone, reading nothing but things that they'll agree with. What I'd love to see are social information organizing systems that show you what you want to see, but also challenge you with the opposite. I'd like to see evolution articles presented to someone who has bookmarked creationist websites and vice versa. That would actually deliver a little of this Web 2.0 hype, by offering people a broader view.
On a purely humorous note, this one reminded me of a recent comment by Merc...
What I need.....
(Score:5, Funny)
by Anonymous Coward on Thursday October 20, @10:38PM (#13841729) an anti-social browser.
Sorry for the triple post.