I did some math and figured out that my company would save about 3% annually on ink if we printed our manuals in Garamond rather than (sob) Comic Sans and almost 36% if we quit printing everything in color.
My company spends more for ink than it does on any individual's salary, so this is not insignificant.
Which press are you using? How large are the runs?
HP must be turning a sickly gray reading this.We use Xerox solid ink printers to print our manuals in-house. A typical manual might be 100 - 250 pages long and has color on every page. I don't have the exact paper use right here in front of me but our costs for consumables are staggering.
Obviously, you didn't read the article.The only connection to Microsoft, is that MS developed the font Verdana for use on the PC as an easy to read font. Talk about a misleading title!