Ford escort vs tree


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
It's not the 25mph speed differential I would be worried about in a wreck. It's the stationary walls or tree in the way once the wreck occurs and control of the vehicle is lost.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
e_dawg said:
jtr, not everyone has the skills that you posess. There are lots of people that seem to have a hard time at the current 55-70 limits.

Not to mention large trucks(semis and trailers) that aren't capable of fast accelleration or even fast speeds at some times.

Actually for me it's cycling skills, not driving skills. I never had a license but I did read that certain types of people, like skiers and cyclists, as a rule tend to drive very fast. I imagine I would be no different once I got a license and racked up enough hours at "normal" speeds to feel comfortable at high speeds. It's basically what feels fast to you that controls your driving habits. As a cyclist I can say for a fact that speeds on a bike easily feel like a car going three to four times as fast. My normal level cruise speed of 22 to 25 mph feels like driving at maybe 70 to 80. The spurts to 35 feel like 110. I mentioned in another thread that I hit 65 mph once. I felt like that German guy who Pradeep mentioned probably felt when he was doing 220. For these reasons 110 on an Interstate is probably what would feel normal to me. However, I do agree with you about following speed limits on local roads with traffic lights. It's just not safe going fast when children on bikes or stoplights come up. I actually think it's kind of pathetic seeing the idiots who go at 60 on local NYC streets, and then only go 10 mph faster on an open highway. Not to mention the moronic jogging for position that everyone, especially SUV drivers, do around here. You actually get people who pass on the right(where parked cars and bikes usually go) just to get one car length ahead at the nearest stop light. Why? To save six tenths of a second?

I admit changing limits as I mentioned might present some problems, especially with heavy trucks and buses, most of which can't even go more than about 80. However, I was surprised to learn when I watched something on the autobahns in Germany that trucks do use them. The reason it's safe is because Germans are far better than Americans at practicing lane discipline. The trucks and slower cars always stay in the right lane. The faster drivers always pass in the left, and also go in the right lane whenever it's clear. However, in medium traffic conditions you basically end up with everybody who's doing 70 to 80 always staying to the right, and anybody going faster always staying on the left. The main thing you get ticketed for is passing on the right. Basically that's the key. The existing drivers who only feel comfortable at 70 would just always ride on the right with the trucks and buses, period. I just don't understand why people in this country, especially slower drivers, insist on hogging the left lane. And I hate people who decide to play traffic cop by going right at the speed limit in the left lane when the right lane is wide open and moving faster.

For a whole host of reasons, including the poor habits of most American drivers, the relative lack of any need to drive in NYC, and the intolerably low speed limits on highways I never bothered getting a license. Watching for cops in addition to all the other concentration needed to drive fast would both take the fun out of it and make it unsafe.

Or worse, head-on collisions at practically double the impact velocity.

Yeah, head-on collisions are a killer, ever on local streets with 30 mph limits.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
Howell said:
It's not the 25mph speed differential I would be worried about in a wreck. It's the stationary walls or tree in the way once the wreck occurs and control of the vehicle is lost.

You're pretty much dead even at 55 if you hit a wall or tree. Besides, most highways are set up with guard rails to prevent that sort of thing. Going 100 on two lane highways with trees ten feet off the road is nuts. The guy in the Escort was unbelieveably lucky. If he has any sense he won't go anywhere near a car any more as his judgement and driving skills leave a great deal to be desired. The main difference between hitting a wall or tree at 55 vs 110 is in the degree of recognizability of the body parts. :mrgrn: The problem I see is that today's speeds are low enough that they make you think you're safe when you aren't. Also, since you generally don't need 100% concentration to go 70 on many highways, drivers tend to get distracted with cell phones and the like, which makes for a deadly combination. Remember, we still have 50,000 dead annually despite low speed limits and all sorts of highway safety measures. I heard the per mile death rate on autobahns is actually lower than here. Much lower. It's easy to see why. At the 110 to 130 that most drivers go you wouldn't even think of picking up a cell phone. You need to focus 100% on the task at hand.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
I believe one of the reasons why the Autobahns are reasonably safe is that the automobile association or whatever they call it there funds many rescue choppers. So if you do get in a crash and survive, they can get you to a hospital pretty quickly. Add to that the relative newness of the cars, and the conditions of the road.

I think most of the traffic deaths in the US are due to alcohol, and too much of it. Unfortunately the people who die tend to be the innocent ones, with the drunk criminals surviving.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
jtr1962 said:
The main difference between hitting a wall or tree at 55 vs 110 is in the degree of recognizability of the body parts. :mrgrn:

Hence the need for seatbelts. It makes it easier for the paramedic to find the dead body.

Here in my area of California, increasing our speed limit would be crazy. In this state we are able to pass on the right, which makes the roads more of a hazard. Most people change lanes with out signaling (they usually signal after the lane change with their middle finger because I hit the horn for cutting me off). Our freeways have horrible surfaces. You could be traveling on a newly paved stretch for 1/2 a mile, and then wham! You've reached a crumbly patchwork of Caltrans mishaps. We have far to many dips and bumps, that if touched by Caltrans would just become worse in the end. Probably the best stretch of freeway we have is the 73 and 241 Tollroads, but they are patroled by land and air, and have the highest concentration of tickets for any stretch in South Orange County.

I have driven fast, and have been driven very fast, but around here, it would be suicide.

If I were to stand on my soapbox and talk about some stereotypical drivers, it would just exhaust me to much. But these horrible drivers plague our roads.

As for the comment about high speeds on the Autobahn in Germany: Some of the main reasons for their success, is that they pave very smooth roads with wider lanes then we have; they design and engineered the Autobahn to bypass cities and towns (you need to exit onto an auxillary highway to actually drive into a town); the automobiles must pass very strict annual inspections to be considered road-worthy; the quality of tires is much better; fuel is a much higher octane, thus more efficient; and driver training is much more elaborate then in the United States. Nonetheless, the Autobahn is being bogged down by traffic just like any other part of the Western world, and speeds are slowing every year. Most stretches of the Autobahn now have an enforced speed limit of 130 kph (~80 mph).


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
Having grog for sale at any servo along the road can hardly help in the case against drink driving either.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
servo (Aussie)=service station=petrol station=gas station in American.