Good Dreamweaver Primer


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
With the downsizing going on at work, we no longer have the technical/administrative support to run our group website. Our site is one of the more active corporate intranet sites in my company so it needs to remain active and current.

It looks like the additional responsibility of administering our website will fall in my lap. I’m not complaining about it, I’m actually a little psyched. Finally, I’ll be able to actually do what I want rather that just tell somebody how the site should look/work (I’ve been the site ‘manager’ for the past year).

We use Dreamweaver. I don’t have any experience using it but I have played with it just a little bit. It seems to have a somewhat steep learning curve but once I understand the way the program thinks, I think it should be fairly intuitive. I’m currently programmed to think the way FrontPage thinks so I need to recalibrate my brain.

Can anyone recommend a good book or other information source to give me the basics of Dreamweaver?
