Holographic Storage


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
That was interesting! But either that web site or a link in it screwed up IE, and I had to "End Process" IE from the Task Mangler.

Anyway, there's a heck of a lot of 'hype' on Colossal's web site. I sincerely hope it's all true. Many times I dream that somebody is able to get cold fusion working, and the world's energy problems will be solved.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
It's obviously been a while since this idea was first proposed. Just look at one of the comparisons:

1 Colossal Storage 10 Terabyte drive = 10,000 Hard Drives with 1 gigabyte

I seem to remember 1 GB hard drives were the norm around 1995 or 1996. Evidently, there's still R&D to be done before we have a manufacturable product. Still, should the idea be developed, it's very intriguing. I tend to think we're close to the end as far as magnetic storage areal density increases are concerned, and sorely in need of a new technology.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
mubs said:
Many times I dream that somebody is able to get cold fusion working, and the world's energy problems will be solved.

Cold fusion was initially ridiculed by the scientific community when it was first discovered. During the last few years it has seen increasing acceptance as more of the experiments have been duplicated. We still have a while to go before it becomes a practical energy source but once it does the way we live will be changed forever. Imagine buying a car that never needs to be refueled and doesn't pollute. Also, it will finally be practical for each home to generate it's own electricity so eventually the "grid" will be obsolete. If it can be sufficiently miniaturized all sorts of devices which are powered by batteries today will have their own eternal power supply. I guess you get the point. :)


Learning Storage Performance
Nov 22, 2002
Yes, I've seen their website in the past.

About all I can say is beware of flakes and fakes rattling their virtual tin cups for seed money.

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As for magnetic hard disc technology being at a limit:

I tend to think we're close to the end as far as magnetic storage areal density increases are concerned, and sorely in need of a new technology.
Optically Guided magnetic storage -- once it appears -- will dramatically increase areal density because it will dramatically increase read/write accuracy, allowing for many more tracks per platter side than what is capable now.

PS: The vast majority of the storage industry is looking at so-called holographic storage as WORM storage, not as rewriteable. There have been working examples (for demonstration purposes) of holographic storage in the forms of fluorescent multi-layer discs and streaming tape for a few years now. Unfortunately, it still needs more time and money to become a mass producible product.