Huffyuv Updated


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
I really hope no one else updated to that version as it was bug ridden crap.....just read through that Doom9 thread I had originally posted (note: shortly after I posted, the Doom9 thread takes on a completely different tone -- namely everyone was begining to discover how buggy the patch was).

I discovered myself that something was broken very shortly afterwards of applying that patch. However, I initially didn't attribute it to the Huffy update, as I had made a whole series of changes, and thought it was just something askew/conflicting with the capping apps. Additionally, I haven't been doing much vid stuff throughout the year, so the problem lay waiting for me to tackle. And additionally (to my additionally), I didn't much feel like trying to resolve it seeing that, all along, I had figured that I would shortly be migrating to Linux, and as I've stated before, given my ambitions, I've been trying to keep my time investment with all-things-Windows related to a minimum.

Well, now I see that the year is starting to come to a close and I'm still using Windows...the venture to Linux is still on tap, but progression to that goal proceeds at a snall's pace (i.e. need more time to self educate before wanting to commit).

But recently I've started capping on a regular basis for some various projects. That necessitated that I attempt to resolve this huffy problem once and for all. I have to say that my efforts (which inclueded a registry seach&destroy mission) failed. Whatever that patch did, it messed things up really good. Even after multiple uninstall/install cycles (with the older, and known good v2.1.1) Huffyuv remains borked about 95% of the time for most of my capturing apps. (Not only that, but its entry in the add/remove programs no longer works). Drat. Updating/applying the latest CCESP Patch v0.2.5 had no effedt either. I'm fairly convinced at this point that nothing short of a complete system overhaul will remedy this situation.

Fortunatlely, I stumbled across a very old capturing app (hasn't been updated since 2001). FreeVCR certainly isn't perfect, but it doesn't require an install and the standalone exe works - I now have a reliable method of capping with Huffyuv again.

Just wish I could figure out the how to get all the other apps to work 100% of the time too.