KVM's with DVI connectors

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku
Has anyone used any KVM switches with DVI connections? Any recommendations?
Anything suitable for home use, preferable 4 port, and not having a sky high price?

I'm using a D-link 4port model at the moment, and right now I have 2 computers fully hooked up with it (meaning K, V and M) and one computer that uses only K and M. This computer is the connected to the viewsonic monitor with a DVI cable. The rest are connected to the same monitor with an analog cable that goes through the KVM.
When I switch to the third computer, I need to switch to the correct input on the monitor also. I'm just wondering about switching to a fully DVI capable model, because the picture quality is so much better with DVI (the long KVM cables and the KVM and the analog thingy doesn't do justice to the viewsonic.)