Hairy Aussie
See this auction. The seller only offers the "Buy Now" option, so it is and it will stay 73.99$.
Card only, but still a good price IMO. Shipping is low and it's unclear if he is willing to ship outside U.S. (divergent info at two places). I need a SCSI controller to format two or three drives I want to sell, but he only ships via UPS and their rates are awful for US-to-Québec deliveries. So I'll skip on this one.
The only place where I've found info about this controller has been on Dell support section. Nowhere to be found on LSI's website (LSI21320-R is a different controller). I guess the card has been pulled from a Dell PwerEdge box.
LSI's U320 controllers typically go for 140-170U$ and climbing, so this is a good deal IMO.
Card only, but still a good price IMO. Shipping is low and it's unclear if he is willing to ship outside U.S. (divergent info at two places). I need a SCSI controller to format two or three drives I want to sell, but he only ships via UPS and their rates are awful for US-to-Québec deliveries. So I'll skip on this one.
The only place where I've found info about this controller has been on Dell support section. Nowhere to be found on LSI's website (LSI21320-R is a different controller). I guess the card has been pulled from a Dell PwerEdge box.
LSI's U320 controllers typically go for 140-170U$ and climbing, so this is a good deal IMO.