Microsoft screws up Blue tooth already


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
oh come on, if they're finally going to provide blue tooth support, can't they do it right??

Instead of this half baked imitation M/S proprietary protocol using Blue tooth as a base.... in my opinion it doesn't count. IMO M/S is getting more and more protective of their market share and it's only hurting the consumer.


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
I really am not looking at this as Evil MS. It is much more likely it is simply teething pains for implementing a new technology. It is very common to have problems with a new technology with multiple vendors. Each vendor is doing something slightly different that the standard does not specify and what happens is that the users become beta-testers, so that MS can find out all the problems and fix them in service packs.

This isn't Evil MS protecting market share as much as MS SOP. put something out there that doesn't work, collect data as to why and incrementally fix the problems over the next 2-5 years.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Yes, but apple already has BlueTooth. Why should it take several years for m/s to get it right... and why are they implementing their own proprietary protocol when one(open source) already exists?


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
MS is not using open-source because it is open-source. The last thing MS wants to do is open up it's source code. Further, modifying the open-source code to fit Window's API would not be much easier than writing from scratch (Linux and Windows do not meet eye-to-eye). Thus, they need to write their own from scratch. Since it is from scratch, it will have teething pains.

Microsoft can't use Apple's implentation either because Apples is written for a different processor, the Windows and Apple OS's API are totally different, Apple isn't about to share code without being heavily compensated and the code would have limited value to Microsoft.

The fact the Apple and Linux already have everything working is irrelevant to MS except at the level of competition and market share. Because it exists elsewhere, people that want it may go to the other OS's and that causes MS to create it in their own products. They can't use either Apples or Linux's implementations inside windows. Thus they are stuck with producing a version on the quick: Producing bad code that will need to be fixed over time. However, they still get to claim that they have it (even if it is bad) and thus limit the marketing damage of not having it at all.

Yes, producing a bad version hurts MS's reputation, but not that much. partially because they don't have a good one to start with. Also, Blue-tooth is relatively new and thus the number of people actually affected will be small at the start and as it increases MS will have ample opportunity to improve their product. People don't care about bugs that don't affect them and thus in the end the damage to MS is relatively small.