Jake the Dog
Storage is cool
it's true:
timwhit said:Proof read it again Jake, you still spelled color wrong several times. :mrgrn:
quote from here.Message # 46
On Sep. 24, 2001 - 9:35 pm Yani wrote:
OK Here goes...
Use the background squares as our basic unit.
The light green is 8 suqares
The orange is 7 squares
The green triangle is 5 squares
The red triangle is 12 squares.
This means that the total area is 32 squares. (33 squares in the bottom image with the extra square.)
If the top triangle (it is not realy a triangle)was formed
with perfeclly straight lines then the area would be 32.5
squares. But is is not.
Why is it not a triangle?
The longer edge (Hypotenuse) of the green triangle is steeper than the longer edge of the red triangle. This causes the red/green join to poke out slightly in the top triangle and to poke in slightly in the lower image. This makes up for 1/2 a square in each image.
To conclude
Top image = 32 squares
Bottom image = 33 squares
Perfect triangle (with straight edges) = 32.5 squares.