More MS Hijinks?


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
I've been using Opera more and more. But every time I access my account on Hotmail, the browser locks up. Closing Opera and restarting it fixes it though. Is this more M$ hijinks?

Bozo :D


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
I've had some weird ones too, Bozo. Just this week, I've has two seperate weird thingz happen:

1: Mozilla on OS/2 at the office. Nothing different, but it suddenly started freezing whenever I went to Ztorage Forum. Only the forums, not the front page. No other sites affected. Weird! (Come to think of it, that was the week before last. I had to get my SF fix with Netscapr 4.x. Yuk! Only other browser I had on that machine.) Anyway, I downloaded a Moz 1.3A and (ignoring the CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS NOT TO) installed it straight over the top. Fixed the problem right away. I have no idea why. 1.2x had been working fine for ages before that.

2: IE 5.0 on Windows 2000 here at home. Same deal: SF started hanging IE on me. Again, the other browsers were not affected in the slightest, only IE. I don't know about other sites as I pretty much only use IE for Storage Forum. So I tried the same cure: updated to IE 6.0. Seems to have fixed it.

Go figure.

(Mind you, M$ have played any number of dirty tricks on Operas before, so I wouldn't rule it out.)