NAS storage question


What is this storage?
Oct 5, 2010
Hello Everyone!

After ANOTHER barely used WD Passport (320GB) failed last night mid-way through a incremental backup, I thought today I’d look into a better storage solution. I use a Macbook Pro (240GB) and back the whole lot up using CarbonCopy Cloner while archiving past versions of files in time stamped folders, which I usually clear out every few months.

I don’t mind doing this manually (I have a reminder pop-up then all I have to do is plug it in) and I've always thought data is safe because it’s on 2 bootable drives, If one goes I'll use the other and quickly buy a new one.

Which is what I'm about to do because there quite cheap.....Thing is....maybe I do need a safer solution (i.e. RAID) and if I'm going down that route I’d like to also arrange secure backups of my business partners laptop PC.

While looking into RAID arrays and NAS it seems so much more complex compared to what I'm used to. Me and my business partner both use only laptops connected to our own different home networks (Wifi) which have no other devices (of any importance anyway) on these networks.

We don't need as far as I can see instant backup of new or modified files through wifi or any nonsense like that (working with some huge files making constant changes I doubt this works well!) or Media Streaming, Online Access, PS3 compatibility, IP camera, Web server etc...

What we do need is a simple procedure, reliably mirrored, ability to upgrade and swap drives (they always go eventually!). And the ability to have 2 independent partitions (at least 500gb each, so a 2T drive) would be good, so when I plug it in it does my backup routine on my partition and his is unaffected, and when he drops by we can plug his in and it does the same for wouldn’t that be nice!

Any suggestions, tips, devices, advices would be extremely useful; otherwise it’s another 2 WD Passports to rely on again!




Storage Is My Life
Jan 20, 2004
Skip the passports and make something of your own with a better drive. Get a decent HD dock or case that has built in cooling for the drive. With backups you are doing some intense work on those drives, they heat way up and heat is the HD killer.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Given the scenario you describe each of you having an external drive is about the simplest way to go. The next step up would probably be something like a Drobo since it has redundancy built in, but they're a lot more than a basic external drive.

IMHO, you don't want to backup over wifi.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
The next step up from what you are doing is USB attached RAID. I'm not positive that you can boot from this but there is a very good chance. One for each of you just as before.
If you want to share drive space with you partner you can get network attached RAID (NAS). You will not be able to boot from this but you do get to share the storage. You will have downtime until you can purchase a new drive.

In addition to the Drobo you can look at the Buffalo Drivestation.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
I just reread your next to last paragraph. I'm not completely certain how flexible the Mac boot from USB is and exactly how your software work. For your edification, a RAID backed USB drive should look exactly like a regular USB drive to the computer. But it actually has a redundant drive. Hope that helps.