Need for a "Toolbox Reference Section" ?


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Need for a "Toolbox Reference Section" ?

I have a real affinity for organization and the centralization of information...actually its more of an affliciton that often ends up bogging me down, but that's a story for another day...

Anyways, it kind of surprises me to see a site like SR lacking a page, or static thread in a forum, that is dedicated to providing links to the various HDD utilites, benchmarks etc. etc.. Frank (Russofris) made a somewhat related attempt by to starting an "essential utilities" thread on SR. It quickly lost shape and is now buried in the archieves (a shame in my opinion). It just seems logical to me that a more formal attempt should be made/exist....after all, at the very least, it could help to cut down on bi-weekly posts such as "Where do I find Atto" etc etc....

Of course, that isn't so much a problem here (yet), as most of us know how to use google or the search button when tracking something down we haven't already bookmarked or encountered. However, it is my contention that (purely in respects to finding useful software) we could collectively help one another, and future forum users, by creating a reference page/thread that could be the first point of call. Surely everyone would agree that the time and effort spent trying to track down a useful software tool for a task can be a real PITA...especially when the source problem/need is more obscure. Second, no man is an island...I don't care who you are or how much you think you know, there will always be someone else who knows some little tidbit or arcane peice of knowledge/software that you don't.

What I envision is a "reference forum" that would centralize the useful information in question. It would consists of two parts:
1) A static thread containing a categorized listing of software and a relevant informational description - that hopefully will be precise and concise. This reference sticky should be accessed only by the moderators to edit existing information and, off course. post new entries. Entries are made on a basis of consent after they have been discussed in the:
2) "Regular" threads found underneath the sticky. A regular thread would start off by an individual bringing a peice of software to the attention of everyone. The purpose of said thread would be too either solicit entry in the "reference sticky" or for debate whether a better tool already exists. Everyone can then contribute their impressions, thoughts, and knowledge about the item in question. If it is deemed as the best tool available for the task or a viable alternative method then in it goes to the "reference sticky". If a new version of the tool is released, the same thread can be used to draw it to the attention of the moderators to update relevant info in the "Reference Sticky".

Here's a hpothetical example of how I see it should all start:
1) Handruin creates a new User Forum category named "Reference Section" or "Toolbox" or whatever...
2) Tannin comes a long with the first post -> "Hitatchi Disk Feature Tool", in which he first provides a link and then says "I've found this great little tool that allows you to manipulate a HDDs accoustic management features blah blah blah..."
3) Cougtek replies to that thread - "yes, its a good tool. Its current version is 1.70 blah blah blah.."
4) Other users in turn chip in useful tidbits. It gets agreed upon that an entry for it should be placed in the Reference Sticky.
5) Mercutio/moderator then enters/edits "Reference sticky" by placing in the relevant details discussed by the forum members:

HDD Utility Category
Hitatchi DFT v1.70 - brief description, useful options....
other categories and utilities....

6) Any updates or descriptional changes required for that entry are brought up in Tannin's original thread first. ie. two months down the road, Buck posts "Hitachi DFT updated to v1.xx or whatever
7) Moderator adjusts entry for DFT
8 ) So on and so on....

I would suspect that we would initially have a flurry of threads whose underlining (software) subject would be a candidate striving for entry into the great "Reference Sticky". Eventually, things should slow down as our coverage becomes broader.

What say thee gents?



Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Right after posting, I went to the computer section and two questions "Best DVD playback" and "Best DVD ripper" were right at the top. These are exactly the type of questions that we could address in a reference section.

Cheers, CK


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
i think you've really done a good job of pitching this... I think it's a good idea.

Is it possible that we can upload as many tools as possible to SF? ...i wanted an obscure tool about a week ago, but no one seems to host it anymore.. tis a shame...


Jan 13, 2002
Great suggestion CityK! Your idea not only helps to create a download section it also gives people the ability to read a real use for the tool before downloading. (Provided that people give feedback on each item)

I'd like to hear what others feel about this idea and then we can go from there. I know the crew over at had a similar style with their mod section. They don't have everything set as a "sticky", but they do keep track of approved mods in this fashion. The thing I wonder is how bad would the toolbox section get if we had 150 tools? If they are all set to sticky...would we lose out on the items at the bottom?

blakerwry, I'd like to host as many tools as possible, but the space will add up very quickly. I think special case items can be hosted, but to create an archive of endless tools will consume resources that I won't be able to afford to host. As I've made my case many times to other folks, the database for SF isn't getting smaller, so I'd like to reserve as much growth room as possible for us to, well...grow. :)


Jan 13, 2002
blakerwry said:
can I donate a HDD? or is that not possible/practical with the way you host things?

I appreciate the generosity, but the current hosting solution doesn't work that way. :) (although, I'm going to ask them anyway...they could surprise me with a positive answer) However, I did have a thought as I was walking into my apartment a few minutes ago. I could find one of those hosting places that charge a small price, and offer unlimited space and bandwidth. I'll keep SF at the current hosting location, and setup a sub domain to point to the unlimited hosting. I don't care if it isn't as reliable, as long as we have a ton of files in one place. :)

Let me look into this, or if you come across a place that offers dirt-cheap hosting with unlimited space!


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I don't think you should spend any more money than you have to, I guess it would be possible for one of the forum's members to host these files from their own connection.

I will do it, but my upload is limited to ~45KB/sec and I have other services running, so I would appreciate only downloading from me if you can't find the file on or 1st.

Maybe Tannin or someone else who has a permanent high bandwidth connection could bring something better to the table...


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
What happens when the next version of a tool blows chunks or the newest version of another tool causes its utility to surpase the first tool.

Really, the only way to determine what is the best tool for the job today is to ask today. I just don't see it being useful beyond 6 months or 50 files. Go ahead though. I'd love for you to change my mind.


Learning Storage Performance
Feb 20, 2003
Sussex England
top idea ck.
especially if, as Howell kind of suggested, six months or so tools are automatically deselected. This should also help to keep the list manageable and keep blakerwrys life from becoming a misery. Of course an "expired" tool could be resubmitted, but if the newest versions a dog or there’s something better about it wouldn’t get through.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I'd really like to keep tools around forever... even different version of the same tool...

I agree that alot of tools outlive their usefullness after maybe 6 months or so... so there must be some type of life cycle.. perhaps an "archive" section for old tools and an active section for new ones...

i wouldn't mind devoting a couple gigs or so to this, simply because I hope it will be usefull


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
I think this is a very useful idea, including the archiving of tools that some view as outdated. I've found that some older tools come in handy with older hardware, or even just to accomplish simple tasks. For example, older versions of Western Digital's EZ-Drive suite come in handy when copying data from their older drives or when diagnostics needs to be run on them. Old software like MUD 5.0 is easy and fast for erasing the first few cylinders of any ATA drive.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
My current host gives 100MB space & 15GB monthly bandwidth. I could probably spare about half my space and nearly all my bandwidth. My only concern with hosting apps is that we know for certain that we can re-distribute the apps without violating any copyright laws.

- Fushigi


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
Agreed, if SF was hosting the files or if they were providing access (maybe even just links) I would think that some people might get upset for apps that are not freely distributable.

But perhaps we could get permission on some of the storage related apps since we are a storage site :-? ... and if we can't host them ourlseves, then atleast we could provide links...

NRG = mc²

Storage is cool
Jan 15, 2002
Whats the problem of providing a link to the apps own page on the manufacturer/authors website?

I have some webspace I can donate, its not much, I can spare around 100mb, and I have a 2gb limit per month, but anyway IIRC most of these apps aren't that big right?


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
NRG = mc² said:
Whats the problem of providing a link to the apps own page on the manufacturer/authors website?

I have some webspace I can donate, its not much, I can spare around 100mb, and I have a 2gb limit per month, but anyway IIRC most of these apps aren't that big right?

The problem is somethig both me and Merc have commented on recently, sometimes the host of the files decides to discontinue hosting.. and a place to download the file is in limbo... You know the program exists, you know people have it... but you just cant seem to find it anywhere...


Jan 13, 2002
Nothing has happened yet. I spoke to CityK recently and I mentioned that I'd like to resurrect this topic to get more feedback on the idea.

I'd like to establish a go no go with the idea. We can try it out and see how it works.