Need for a "Toolbox Reference Section" ?
I have a real affinity for organization and the centralization of information...actually its more of an affliciton that often ends up bogging me down, but that's a story for another day...
Anyways, it kind of surprises me to see a site like SR lacking a page, or static thread in a forum, that is dedicated to providing links to the various HDD utilites, benchmarks etc. etc.. Frank (Russofris) made a somewhat related attempt by to starting an "essential utilities" thread on SR. It quickly lost shape and is now buried in the archieves (a shame in my opinion). It just seems logical to me that a more formal attempt should be made/exist....after all, at the very least, it could help to cut down on bi-weekly posts such as "Where do I find Atto" etc etc....
Of course, that isn't so much a problem here (yet), as most of us know how to use google or the search button when tracking something down we haven't already bookmarked or encountered. However, it is my contention that (purely in respects to finding useful software) we could collectively help one another, and future forum users, by creating a reference page/thread that could be the first point of call. Surely everyone would agree that the time and effort spent trying to track down a useful software tool for a task can be a real PITA...especially when the source problem/need is more obscure. Second, no man is an island...I don't care who you are or how much you think you know, there will always be someone else who knows some little tidbit or arcane peice of knowledge/software that you don't.
What I envision is a "reference forum" that would centralize the useful information in question. It would consists of two parts:
1) A static thread containing a categorized listing of software and a relevant informational description - that hopefully will be precise and concise. This reference sticky should be accessed only by the moderators to edit existing information and, off course. post new entries. Entries are made on a basis of consent after they have been discussed in the:
2) "Regular" threads found underneath the sticky. A regular thread would start off by an individual bringing a peice of software to the attention of everyone. The purpose of said thread would be too either solicit entry in the "reference sticky" or for debate whether a better tool already exists. Everyone can then contribute their impressions, thoughts, and knowledge about the item in question. If it is deemed as the best tool available for the task or a viable alternative method then in it goes to the "reference sticky". If a new version of the tool is released, the same thread can be used to draw it to the attention of the moderators to update relevant info in the "Reference Sticky".
Here's a hpothetical example of how I see it should all start:
1) Handruin creates a new User Forum category named "Reference Section" or "Toolbox" or whatever...
2) Tannin comes a long with the first post -> "Hitatchi Disk Feature Tool", in which he first provides a link and then says "I've found this great little tool that allows you to manipulate a HDDs accoustic management features blah blah blah..."
3) Cougtek replies to that thread - "yes, its a good tool. Its current version is 1.70 blah blah blah.."
4) Other users in turn chip in useful tidbits. It gets agreed upon that an entry for it should be placed in the Reference Sticky.
5) Mercutio/moderator then enters/edits "Reference sticky" by placing in the relevant details discussed by the forum members:
HDD Utility Category
Hitatchi DFT v1.70 - brief description, useful options....
other categories and utilities....
6) Any updates or descriptional changes required for that entry are brought up in Tannin's original thread first. ie. two months down the road, Buck posts "Hitachi DFT updated to v1.xx or whatever
7) Moderator adjusts entry for DFT
8 ) So on and so on....
I would suspect that we would initially have a flurry of threads whose underlining (software) subject would be a candidate striving for entry into the great "Reference Sticky". Eventually, things should slow down as our coverage becomes broader.
What say thee gents?
I have a real affinity for organization and the centralization of information...actually its more of an affliciton that often ends up bogging me down, but that's a story for another day...
Anyways, it kind of surprises me to see a site like SR lacking a page, or static thread in a forum, that is dedicated to providing links to the various HDD utilites, benchmarks etc. etc.. Frank (Russofris) made a somewhat related attempt by to starting an "essential utilities" thread on SR. It quickly lost shape and is now buried in the archieves (a shame in my opinion). It just seems logical to me that a more formal attempt should be made/exist....after all, at the very least, it could help to cut down on bi-weekly posts such as "Where do I find Atto" etc etc....
Of course, that isn't so much a problem here (yet), as most of us know how to use google or the search button when tracking something down we haven't already bookmarked or encountered. However, it is my contention that (purely in respects to finding useful software) we could collectively help one another, and future forum users, by creating a reference page/thread that could be the first point of call. Surely everyone would agree that the time and effort spent trying to track down a useful software tool for a task can be a real PITA...especially when the source problem/need is more obscure. Second, no man is an island...I don't care who you are or how much you think you know, there will always be someone else who knows some little tidbit or arcane peice of knowledge/software that you don't.
What I envision is a "reference forum" that would centralize the useful information in question. It would consists of two parts:
1) A static thread containing a categorized listing of software and a relevant informational description - that hopefully will be precise and concise. This reference sticky should be accessed only by the moderators to edit existing information and, off course. post new entries. Entries are made on a basis of consent after they have been discussed in the:
2) "Regular" threads found underneath the sticky. A regular thread would start off by an individual bringing a peice of software to the attention of everyone. The purpose of said thread would be too either solicit entry in the "reference sticky" or for debate whether a better tool already exists. Everyone can then contribute their impressions, thoughts, and knowledge about the item in question. If it is deemed as the best tool available for the task or a viable alternative method then in it goes to the "reference sticky". If a new version of the tool is released, the same thread can be used to draw it to the attention of the moderators to update relevant info in the "Reference Sticky".
Here's a hpothetical example of how I see it should all start:
1) Handruin creates a new User Forum category named "Reference Section" or "Toolbox" or whatever...
2) Tannin comes a long with the first post -> "Hitatchi Disk Feature Tool", in which he first provides a link and then says "I've found this great little tool that allows you to manipulate a HDDs accoustic management features blah blah blah..."
3) Cougtek replies to that thread - "yes, its a good tool. Its current version is 1.70 blah blah blah.."
4) Other users in turn chip in useful tidbits. It gets agreed upon that an entry for it should be placed in the Reference Sticky.
5) Mercutio/moderator then enters/edits "Reference sticky" by placing in the relevant details discussed by the forum members:
HDD Utility Category
Hitatchi DFT v1.70 - brief description, useful options....
other categories and utilities....
6) Any updates or descriptional changes required for that entry are brought up in Tannin's original thread first. ie. two months down the road, Buck posts "Hitachi DFT updated to v1.xx or whatever
7) Moderator adjusts entry for DFT
8 ) So on and so on....
I would suspect that we would initially have a flurry of threads whose underlining (software) subject would be a candidate striving for entry into the great "Reference Sticky". Eventually, things should slow down as our coverage becomes broader.
What say thee gents?