New phone time, And Google Fi


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I have an aging Nexus 5X that I use for Uber, Lyft, and GPS apps.
I'm looking for something faster and more reliable.

I have been looking at the Android One Moto X4,400, and considering a Pixel 2,650.

Those are the only phones I have considered, due to Google Fi limitations.

Google Fi, so far, looks like a rebranded T-Mobile brand.
They SAY they switch to the best available signal. Using a tracker, my phone has yet to get off T-Mobile, except to use home Wifi.

Signal Info is the program used to track.
Fi is SUPPOSED TO SWITCH between TMobile, Sprint, Wifi, and USCellular.

Primary need is the fastest, and best network in San Francisco, and a phone that is fast using the above apps.

So far, my research indicates the Pixel 2 for 650, is about twice as fast as my Nexus. The X2 uses the Snapdragon 835.
The Moto x4 is somewhere inbetween.

The tradein on the Nexus 5x is 50 to 100 dollars. Almost not worth it, since what do you do if your phone dies?

The Nexus 5X has had some problems, like boot looping, and these are well documented.
I have not had such problems, but Google Fi apparently can't find enough phones to replace the ones that have died.

Anyone using Tmobile? How is there billing?
Do they do the Sprint, offer a certain price, then tack on 20 bucks a month more in "taxes and fees"?


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I use T-Mobile. The plan I'm on has tax and fees included. So $100 a month for 3 lines of unlimited, and it's $100, not $100 + fees & taxes.

Actually it ends up being $80 because of the kickback credits on 2 of the lines ($10 each) because they stay under 2GB a month. I can't get a kickback credit on the 3rd line because it's technically a free line.

Billing was a little wonky when I changed plans from Simple to One and when I was first getting the 3rd line free credits working mainly because the line activated after the promotion was over even though I ordered it while the promotion was active. It's been straightened out and working for months now though. The CSRs were always friendly and helpful when I called and was trying to get it sorted out.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
TMobile One is 70.00, and supposed to be all included. However, the 'unlimited' isn't, since over a certain level, you are throttled. I used 6 gigs this month, total Fi bill, 80.00.
Prior, when I'm working other jobs, the bill has been 30-40 dollars.

Thinking stay with Fi, and live with it.

Phone is still a question...


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
That's a lot of data to be using on a phone IMHO. And, all the providers do the same thing with throttling on "Unlimited" plans. T-Mobile keeps adjusting it up also. It's set to some percentile, like 98% or something like that. So as their customers use more data the limit before throttling rises.

When I switched to One earlier this year 2 lines of unlimited were $100 and they were throwing in a 3rd line for free. Worked for me. Also, each line gets the 50GB before throttling, not the combination of all 3.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Tmobile is fixed rate with taxes included as SD mentioned.
Their coverage is a lot better than it wasca few years ago, but I find it roams to various local carriers more than ATT for example.
I'm sure they have a strong presence in the city, but would have to do some research on actual performance.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Went with Moto Android One, X4. 325.00, 150.00 credit from google for returning Nexus 5X. 175.00 for an enterprise phone. Only bad is 7.1.1 no Oreo yet.
Staying with Fi. Support is worth the cost.


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Back when Verizon grandfathered unlimited was truly unlimited I hit over 1.2 TB one month on one one of my lines (the one I kept at home with hotspot for the whole family). Thats with four people streaming Netflix and Amazon in HD.

With the new unlimited plan hotspot speeds are throttled after 15 GB, so each person has their streaming devices on their own phone/hotspot. Good days right after usage resets for the month, can watch Amazon Grand Tour in crisp 4k, then it drops down to 600kbps and I get to watch chunky streaming.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Seems someone at GoogleFi listened. They put a cap on data charges, limiting my bill to 62.00 a month. After 15 gigs, it slows down, ala Tmobile.

The maximum GoogleFi will now charge for is 6 GB of data, or 60.00.
The first bill is weird, since the entire bill is 62.00.
See if that continues in the future.

Switching up to the Google Pixel 2, HTC build. Doing what I'm doing, seconds in loading a gps directions can save a bunch of minutes driving.
Should I turn left, or right at the stop sign?

I used the Pixel 2 at BestBuy, and it seems to be much faster then the Moto X4.

It's on order, so should be here very soon.

Moto X4 will be a big upgrade for my girlfriend on Ting.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Went with Xfinity and their Verizon networked 45 dollar unlimited plan.
Only problem is they limit the phones to .6 mbps when used as a hotspot.
I get to watch a lot of stuff on my phone, instead of my TV.

Still, for a bit down, and 30 a month, the Samsung 9s Plus is a great phone, and worked great for work.

I have kept the Google Fi as a backup, but when you pay 16 dollars for 1.6 gigs of data, you start thinking it's not such a great idea.
I used it to update my TV, hoping that was what was keeping my TV from acessing the local hotspot. It was not the cause.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
So we are going from 55" to 5.5" or therabouts for watching TV? It is understandable at 36,000 feet, but how exactly is that an improvement at home?


Storage is cool
Jan 21, 2002
on the floor
Went with Xfinity and their Verizon networked 45 dollar unlimited plan.
Only problem is they limit the phones to .6 mbps when used as a hotspot.
I get to watch a lot of stuff on my phone, instead of my TV.

Still, for a bit down, and 30 a month, the Samsung 9s Plus is a great phone, and worked great for work.

I have kept the Google Fi as a backup, but when you pay 16 dollars for 1.6 gigs of data, you start thinking it's not such a great idea.
I used it to update my TV, hoping that was what was keeping my TV from acessing the local hotspot. It was not the cause.

Not sure how new your tv is but it may support some sort of screencasting function where you can stream your phones display to the TV, thereby allowing you to view in better quality. Also be aware Verizon unlimited actually has three tiers, only the higher two include HD streaming (from Netflix/Amazon etc). The lower tier gets 480p. Not sure how that relates to your service package.


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
Went with Xfinity and their Verizon networked 45 dollar unlimited plan.
Only problem is they limit the phones to .6 mbps when used as a hotspot.
I get to watch a lot of stuff on my phone, instead of my TV.

Still, for a bit down, and 30 a month, the Samsung 9s Plus is a great phone, and worked great for work.

I have kept the Google Fi as a backup, but when you pay 16 dollars for 1.6 gigs of data, you start thinking it's not such a great idea.
I used it to update my TV, hoping that was what was keeping my TV from acessing the local hotspot. It was not the cause.
Why? I can't believe that was the best deal you could get.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Thanks for the info.
I bought the Verizon deal because it put me on their plan for work. They do have the best network in San Francisco, and that was where I was working.
1000.00 phone, for a small down, and 30 a month no interest?
Kind of a no brainer.

9S plus has internal storage, expandable storage, only phone faster is iX, and not by much.

That said, I have most of my movies ripped, so they are on a hard drive, keeping the disk copies in storage.

Oddly, most of the time I can play TV saved stuff on my 15.6 inch Acer Chromebook, through a Xfinity hotspot.

Xfinity says I shouldn't be able too, but, apparently due to the fires, they have allowed more liberal access in the Bay Area.

It's not ideal, but for the limited tv stuff I watch, I can stream it from the DVR at the house, and fast forward through the commercials, most of the time.

Not perfect, but it works most of the time..;.)


Not really a
Jan 22, 2002
I don't buy things that I can't afford, so the idea of financing a phone seems odd to me. Then again, I wouldn't but a $1k phone either.


Jan 13, 2002
I don't buy things that I can't afford, so the idea of financing a phone seems odd to me. Then again, I wouldn't but a $1k phone either.

I finance my phone and I can afford to buy it outright. I use their money versus my own, so why not? If I need to change my phone, I'll pay it off and do the same on the next phone.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Some plans allow for a lease at the same price to get a new phone which works well for some users.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Forgot to mention that the phone was 840, not 1000. Pretty much 160 off retail price, and 0 interest.
Moving to Note 9 would increase payments by 25 percent, or more, plus fee.