New security feature


Jan 13, 2002
I've setup a small new security feature for our small little community. If some of you prefer to login and or post using a 128-bit encryption, I've enabled it for storageforum.

To use this feature, include the additional "S" in the URL such as: (note the https)

You will receive a warning box when you connect to the site using this feature.


This warning is to inform you that I did not install a certificate from a trusted company because I created a "self-signed" certificate. If you visit storageforum from a single computer, you can install this certificate so that you do not encounter this message again. Any new computer you visit the site from will prompt you with this warning.

I will soon create a secure link button so that you do not have to type in the "s" in the URL.

A small side effect of using a secure page is that you will occasionally receive a warning that a page contains both secure and insecure items. This is due to the off-site linking of images. If you chose not to display the insecure items, you will receive the full 128-bit encryption.

Have fun with this feature, I hope you find it useful.