Pig Pond Status


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
Arstel strikes again, for those of us foolish enough to live in Australia. This "unscheduled outage" will be two hours minimum. I thought the accompanying screenshot just about sums it up (check the legend, ignore the "some problems" crap - the entire country is affected).


In case you're wondering, I'm doing this while connected to another ISP through dialup. It's essential to have a backup ISP when you're a Telstra customer. :evil:


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
I guess you wouldn't have received my email then :) Could you please give me a price on a LEXMARK OPTRA S 1382625 TONER cart?

Thanks, Pradeep.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia

If you just want a 14,000 page toner cart for a Lexmark Optra S, I can get you one if you'll just pay shipping (it's new, sealed...).


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
I think he just bought one on Ebay, James, so right now he's probably on a ledge somewhere. :)

Seriously, will the 14,000 page unit suit the 1650?

FWIW, looking into the prices for Pradeep made me suspect that Lexmark Australia is taking us antipodeans to the cleaners. Mind you, the US prices aren't terribly flash either.

I'm beginning to understand why government departments love them. You've got to burn through money somehow ...


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
I phoned the Big Pong 1800 number in my user guide and found it was disconnected. So I threw the booklet somewhere in disgust, and hunted around their website (using another ISP) to get the support number.

My first call was answered with a loud distorted noise.

I got further with the second and heard a recording explaining that the problem was Australia wide.

After two and a half hours I managed to login ... and then lost the connection again after a few minutes.

After six hours, I noticed the above status screen hadn't changed for three hours, so I phoned again and got through to a human. Couldn't find the stupid user guide booklet, so I couldn't give them my account number.

Eventually, we commenced the Telstra equivalent of a diagnostic session.

Please restart your computer.

Done that, obviously, and reset the cable modem, and even powered everything down.

Please restart your computer.

Okay, okay, I'll do it.

Ah, Telstra's login applet is not responding, I'll just have to kill it.

Crap, killing it has made Windows have a bad hair day.

Okay, it's rebooting now.

Start the login program and see what it says.

It doesn't say anything, it's an empty window.

But it should have a Connect button.

Look, it's always been like this. Whenever there's a network problem, the software just hangs for a few minutes without drawing the window properly.

No, that's not how it works.

Yes it is.

Well, let's try checking your IP address. Run Winipcfg.

Okay, there's the IP address.

Do you have any other network cards?

Well, yes, but I have the right one because the other has a static IP and is a different brand.

I'm sorry, we don't provide any support if you have more than one network card.

Huh? You're kidding. What's that got to do with it?

I'm sorry, but we can't support you if you're on a network.

How about I disable the card?

I'm sorry, but we can't support you if you're on a network.

Right! See, I've yanked the network cable out of the wall. I am NO LONGER on a network!

You'll have to remove the network card before we can help you.

So you think there's a hardware conflict?

You'll have to remove the network card before we can help you.

And what will we do then?

Reinstall your network card driver.

Look, I'm actually an IT support specialist, and I don't believe that's a good use of my time. Can you tell me where you're heading?

You'll have to remove the network card before we can help you.

Right, I've been a customer of Big Pond for two and a half years, and let me tell you it hasn't been fun. I'm getting pretty pissed off.

Please don't swear at me.

It wasn't an obscenity!

Yes, but it offended me.

(Deep healing breaths as blood pressure skyrockets. Try to crush phone with one hand).

So let me get this straight. You won't do anything until I jump through these hoops. What happens if we do all this and it still doesn't work?

I will log your call.

So, you don't believe that my problem is related to the widespread outage that is occuring right now?

You should have got the error message. You didn't, so you don't have the problem.

Ah, so you're saying that my problem is of my own doing, and nothing to do with Telstra. Because I have a second network card. Both of which work just fine.


Fine. Okay, I think I just might pass on your recommendations until morning, and see what turns up.

Footnote: After seven hours, I appear to have connectivity, but according to the Big Pond status page, others do not.


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
I don't see why not. I think it's the same cartridge format for all the Optra S range, from the 1650 through to the 2455 anyway, and they still work in the newer Optra T series too.

Lexmark cartridges aren't cheap, no, but then in home use I'm fairly unlikely to go through more than one 14K cartridge in about 2 years!

No, I don't have the duplexer Pradeep. ;)


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
Err, obviously the "I don't see why not" was in reply to your previous post. :mrgrn:

I'm about to go home and see if the DSL connection is up... wish me luck. :roll:

So, lack of availability refunds again this month, it seems? Has that been every month since they introduced the idea? Why yes, yes it is. *sigh*


Storage is cool
Jan 24, 2002
Sydney, Australia
For future reference, the below might be of help.

Telstra service rep : Do you have another network card in that machine?
Answer : No. I didn't know you could even have two in the same computer. Are you saying you can? Why would you want to do that? Some people are crazy! etc.

T : Now run our software, and tell me what it does.
A : (Knowing full well you never even bothered installing it) It tries to connect, but fails. The error message says something about "Can't connect to <insert name of your local DSL hub point>, authentication failed."

T: Have you changed anything on your computer lately?
A: No, I can't afford software, and my system doesn't have a floppy or a CD drive. I only run the Telstra dialler and the operating system. I don't even have a web browser because it might interfere with the Telstra software. I still have the "warranty void if broken" seals intact on my PC case.

... you get the idea.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
James, you got PM :)

Actually I haven't had any response from the seller of the ebay cart yet, so it may hopefully turn out to be a dodgy seller lol.