Please help Me with Some HTTP Network Jargon


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
I was wondering if one of you guys could help me make sure I use the proper terminology when I make a request of our IT department.

My company has a corporate intranet. The group I’m in has a website that I manage. I’m no webmaster, I just dictate what is on our group website, how it should look, and how it should work. My group produces a lot of scripts that are written in C, TCL/TK, NCL, Sed and other programming languages. To promote our ‘business’ we are making these scripts available for download via our website. HOWEVER, the corporate url that we have available to us is extremely long and hard to remember. It is something like this:

(URL 1) (I’ve changed it)

We want to have an easier to remember url. Something like:

(URL 2)

We don’t want to have to move the site to a new server. Rather, I just want a persons web brower to be referenced/redirected to URL 1 when URL 2 is entered into their web browser. I’m not sure if I have this terminology right but, would this just require an addition to the DNS table on the DNS server for our intranet? What should I be asking for to achieve what I need? Is this a difficult task? Any major pitfalls/problems with this?

Note: given how companies reorg almost daily, I would not be surprised if URL 2 would have to change sometime in the near future.



Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
That would involve 2 steps. 1) an addition to the DNS tables that defines the subdomain/computer on the website's domain. (may or may not need to make a change to DNS depending on the DNS setup)

2) an addition to the server config file that adds a virtual host (vhost).

If you asked me to do it to my website i could have it done in under a minute.. it's a reletively simple process in apache or IIS.