Replacement MB's


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
Where is a good store to purchase replacement/reburbished motherboards?

Specificly I'm looking for Ga-7N400 Pro2 (Rev 2) and Ga-7nnxp and I'm not seeing them any of my usual places.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Once the supply for a particular board dries up, finding replacements for it becomes frustrating in extreme. I usually wind up hitting Ebay and paying essentially new, retail price for a used replacement board. If I'm a little luckier, will still have a listing or two for my board; there's still a couple stores out in the world where I can buy my long-discontinued GA-7S748s, but buying from some tiny shop that happens to have a Yahoo store isn't generally my idea of a good time.

Gigabyte at least issues RMAs in a somewhat timely fashion.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Centrix International is well known for carrying repacement motherboards for OEM systems (Dell, IBM, Compaq, HP, Sun, Intel, etc.). They also carry other components for these systems. I've bought from them a few times (some years ago); they're good guys.


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
Mercutio said:
Gigabyte at least issues RMAs in a somewhat timely fashion.

Yes, they issue RMA's quickly (2-4 days) and easily through the web. But unfortunately, when doing a repair of a customer's system I can't wait for the Gigabyte support system to send a repaired/replacement MB (6-8 weeks): I need to have a working replacement in the time frame of about 1 week or I start having rather unhappy dis-satisfied customers and to me that is an undesirable: I'm a pleaser ...

If I can't find a retailer, E-bay it will be and I don't trust used electronic components from Ebay because one never knows how thay have been handled and why they are being offered there in the first place. To me, they are high risk but better than nothing.

mubs said:
Centrix International is well known for carrying repacement motherboards for OEM systems (Dell, IBM, Compaq, HP, Sun, Intel, etc.). They also carry other components for these systems. I've bought from them a few times (some years ago); they're good guys.

Already tried them and it was a no go. It isn't an OEM system but someones custom built machine. OEM systems have some advantages when getting replacement parts because there are places that seem to stock even very unusual parts.

Ideally I need a MB that is at least in the same family and basic capabilites so that in the worst case senerio I can force Windows to redetect the HW and everything is good to go. So a GA-7N400 series or a Ga-7nnxp Series is ideal. I have found numerous Nforce-2 MB's available but they tend to be of inferior product typically missing the giga-bit Ethernet that the original MB had. If necessary and with the permission of the owners, I suppose I could replace the MB with a yukky Nforce2 MB and an external Gigabit Ethernet card but that is less than ideal. Or I can ask the owner to wait the two months for GigaByte to send a replacement.