SCSI Sandwich Drive Temperature


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002

I have three SCSI drives pretty tightly packed in my Fong Kai FK-320. There are two 18GB 10K Seagate 36ES's (WinXP software stripe) and one 18GB 15K X15-36LP (boot).

I have a thermister between the center drive (see picture) and the side of the drive cage. It is reading 97F (36C). I have another thermister measuring the temperature of the forced air (forced by a Panaflo 80mm L1A) exiting the drive cage. The temperature of the air exiting the cage at the rear is 91F (33C).

Normally, I would not worry too much about my drive cooling at all (and these temps seem OK to me), but now that I have my cage fully stacked and this IS StorageForum I thought I'd see what you guys thought...

I don't have any temperature I?



Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
I'd say that 50C is getting too hot... alot of HDD white papers will say the maximum operating temp and/or ambient temp for the drive... but these figures are often pretty vague and can be misleading about the appropriate environment for your data....

so, I would say 50C is getting too hot, 40 is fine, and 30 is pretty cool


Jan 13, 2002
Your drive runs below body temperature, which to mean seems low. I've been running my drives in the same type of environment for a long time without any problems.

One of these days I'll get some type of temperature monitor and see how hot my drives run. Every time I've checked my drives are always cool to the touch after running for several months without being turned off.

The bottom drive is my 10KII and the drive above it is a barracuda 18XL. They are sandwiched together like your drives, and never run hot. Granted I have an 80mm fan running in front of them, I don't know if you do or not.



Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.

Looks like your case is an Antec SX1030 or one of its numerous variants. I have the same case.

I didn't like the screw holes in the removable drive cages, so I drilled my own. I have two drives in the lower cage like you do, but there is now equal space above and below each drive because of the holes I drilled.

I also pulled out the 80mm fan cage, cut open a 92mm opening, drilled appropriate screw holes, and put in a 92mm Panaflo L1A in its place; it just about fits. Did likewise with the fan in the bottom front.

Sounds like some work, but my Dremel came in handy, it was a one time effort, and my drives are happy. One of these days I intend to put in a blowhole in the side panel directly opposite the CPUs. Some stiff cardboard ducting will help direct the airflow. The two exhaust fans in the rear will do in a pinch, but I think a 120mm exhaust fan in the top will do a better job.

IMHO, this case is one of the best designs.


Jan 13, 2002
mubs said:

Looks like your case is an Antec SX1030 or one of its numerous variants. I have the same case.

I didn't like the screw holes in the removable drive cages, so I drilled my own. I have two drives in the lower cage like you do, but there is now equal space above and below each drive because of the holes I drilled.

I also pulled out the 80mm fan cage, cut open a 92mm opening, drilled appropriate screw holes, and put in a 92mm Panaflo L1A in its place; it just about fits. Did likewise with the fan in the bottom front.

Sounds like some work, but my Dremel came in handy, it was a one time effort, and my drives are happy. One of these days I intend to put in a blowhole in the side panel directly opposite the CPUs. Some stiff cardboard ducting will help direct the airflow. The two exhaust fans in the rear will do in a pinch, but I think a 120mm exhaust fan in the top will do a better job.

IMHO, this case is one of the best designs.

You're right mubs, my case is the larger equivalent to the SX1030, the SX1240 (mine was called the Chenming 901A when I bought it).

I haven't made any alterations to the case and I don't plan to. I have plenty of cooling as it is. I agree that the holes for the drives are placed poorly in each drive cage. Maybe the next time I take it apart, I will rework the locations.

I'm very happy with the case and plan to keep it for some time. I bought the smaller version (SX830) for my next PC, but I never got around to building it. I think when that time comes I will move my current machine into that case, and put my new machine in the larger one.