Sex, lies and videotape


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Interesting read exemplifying Sony at its finest....I don't think it takes much, given the experiences of some of the members of our community, to realize that what is purported in that article is likely factual.

Speaking of lies and deception - if you've followed or are aware of nVidia's fiasco regarding WMV hardware acceleration in the 6800 GT or Ultras, there are two comments in this thread that really spoke volumes to me about the integrity of many manufacturers in the computer industry. Specifically, I was talking about: "Funny how nVidia sold WMV on us with the 6800 Ultra, and they can't even get it to work!" and "This is nVidia's after the fact explanation....all the answers you need. My future business is going to ATI because of nVidia's lies and cover-ups".

Lastly, although I delivered on the lies and videotape part of the thread heading, I, myself, lied about the sex. I leave that part of the topic as an exercise for the reader to fullfill.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
My Sony Burner experience is similar. 8x burner with 4 time firmware, finally upgraded months after I bought the burner.

Also has a serious preference for Sony DVD blanks.

Looking at a Plextor...
