I was thinking about CPUs 16 months ago, but the maleficent Meltdown and Spectator dimmed my hopes of gaining enough improvements to be worth the hassle. Now that Windows 7 is coming to an end soon, I'm looking at new systems again. Have there been improvements against the anti-malware impact of the Windows 10 updates and/or are there are there any upcoming major improvements? Is Q3 a good time to build a new system or is there something significant in the following months? I'm looking at the fastest feasible per core performance with no more than 6-8 physical cores that can run on air, not liquide. A crap-load of slow cores that throw flames are not really useful for my programs.
I'm hoping to keep the cost contained to $2K for CPU, mainboard and RAM, that will fit in a normal ATX 10-bay case from 2015. Thanks.