Thinking back on the movie: Zulu, I was reminded how Reverend Witt pathetically turned to alcohol for solace as his faith in God proved to be shallow. He didn’t represent the phrase “stiff upper lip”, which is sad, since he had the opportunity to have as strong a conviction in his beliefs as the British soldiers. Although he didn’t pick up arms, his trust and faith in God should have allowed him to endure the situation, even to the point of death.
Considering that I have not been in that type of situation, some may say that my expressions about the Reverend are not realistic, but then the same could be said of the British soldiers. Although their beliefs are quite different, both Reverend Witt and Stanley Baker were soldiers, one for Christ, and the other for King and Country. So, they both had the opportunity to be confident in their beliefs (although still anxious, as the situation would be unimaginably horrifying), and endure their trials with a “stiff upper lip”.