I'll be the first to admit that Tannin is crazy, Jake, but sometimes he gets it right. Tannin's office setup works damn near perfectly. His OS is bug-free, virus-free, and very, very stable.
His applications are a sort of "best of" collection covering the years from 1985 (Word for DOS) to 2002 (Mozilla 1.2) with a few high points in-between (Describe, Quatro Pro 6.02, Quicken 7.0 for DOS).
His network is indeed arcane. It's a mixture of TCP/IP and NetBIOS (or whatever you are supposed to call the sort of networking that Microsoft (who didn't invent it) call "Windows Networking", and includes ... er ... about seven different operating systems: OS/2 4.5, ECS (AKA OS/2 5.0), Windows NT, Windows 2000 from time to time, Windows 98SE (the crap box and various assorted folders (which will switch over to Linux one day), and the firewall/DCP server which runs a castrated form of Red Hat. Oh, and a lone survivor which runs PC-DOS 6.3 and still does useful work every day.
Yup, he's crazy, but he's crazy like a fox.